1903.05.26_The New York Times – Грчки шпион го предаде Гоце Делчев

1903.05.26_The New York Times - Грчки шпион го предаде Гоце Делчев

Наслов во Њу Јорк Тајмс за убиството на Гоце Делчев и предавството од грчки шпион, со наслов „смртта на македонскиот водач“.


A Gr^ek Spy Betrayed Deltcheffa
‘ Whereabout* to the Turks. .
— • ■ ■ I
London Tripes—New Yohk Times
Special Cablegram.
LONDON, May 26.—Detailed reports of
: the death of Deltcheff, the famous Mace-
; doɪiian chief, says the Sofia correspond-
ent of The Times, show that he accom-
panied a band under Volvoda and Hirt- ■
chovsky, together ‘with the poet Tavo- !
roff, and entered :the village of Banttza,
near Seres, where h¥s presence was be-
trayed to the Turks by a Greek spy. .
A large force surrounded* the village,
and all the members of the revolutionary
band were killed after a long resistance,
ɪt is stated that the inhabitants of the
village, to which the Turks set fire, were
also killed.
Deltcheff was thirty-two years old. He
was a schoolmaster, and practically ere-.
ated the present’ Macedonian. organiza-
tion, which has ramifications in all parts
of the country.
The-Vienna correspondent of The Times
says perquisitions and arrests continue
in the vilayet of Adrianople. Numbers of
priests and school teachers have been
taken into custody. Arms have been
found in six villages. The male popula-
tion has fled, and agricultural work is
at a standstill.

Published: May 26, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times…“