1690.04.26_Leopold I, Austrian Emperor, letter

1690.04.26_Leopold I, Austrian Emperor, letter
Проглас и заштитни писма од австрискиот цар Леополд ПРВИ.
Поттикнувачи на неговото издавање биле Марко Крајда, родум од Кожани и Димитри Георгија Поповиќ, родум од Солун. Во писмото меѓу другото, се изјавува: „македонскиот народ во целост го примаме во секој еден поглед благонаклоно под наша царска и кралска заштита“. На 31 мај 1690 императорот издал уште едно писмо, со кое ја проширил својата заштита на населението на Македонскиот Полуостров. Меѓутоа Македонија одново станала длабока провинција на Османската империја, па прогласот и заштитните писма на австрискиот император не можеле да имаат некое позначајно дејство врз положбата на македонскиот народ.

Letter of protection from Leopold I. …This is to inform you that two Macedonians, Marko Kraida born in Kosana and Dimitri Georgi Popovich, born in Macedonia Salonika, have told us that the Macedonian people, with respect for our most righteous task, with devotion and zeal towards our service….we graciously accept them under our imperial and royal mercy and in any case and way the above mentioned Macedonian people, cordially recommending to each and all of our willing commanders not to attack the Macedonian people….

Issued in Vienna, April 26th, 1690. Representatives: defenders of the Macedonian people….
J. Radonic, Prilozi za istoriju Srba u Ungarskoj u XVI, XVII and XVIII veku. Knj. I, Matice srpske, nbr 25 and 26, Novi Sad 1908, p. 52- 53.


“… I inform you that both MACEDONIANS: Dimitar Georgi Popovik from Salonike and Marcus Craida from Kozani, we have received convictions that the MACEDONIAN people, with respect, organized our Justice”…
Protective Letter to the Macedonians by the Emperor Leopold I. The letter states, inter alia: … “We fully accept the Macedonian people in every respect kindly under our imperial and royal protection. …“


1690, Leopold I sent an appeal to the Balkan peoples, the Macedonians among them, to rise up again against the Ottomans and to assist the Austrians armies. Twenty days later, the Habsburg emperor issued the “Letter of Protection to the Macedonian People”, wherein he referred to the statements of Marko Kranda from Kozhani and Dimitri Georgi Popovich from Thessaloniki, both Macedonians, about “how much the Macedonian people, out of respect for Our most just deed, with eagerness and zeal towards Our service and with serious intent, wish to free themselves from the heavy Turkish yoke and place themselves under Our protection, if Our mercy be extended to it… For that reason,” stressed the emperor, “We mercifully accept and receive under Our imperial and royal mercy, in any manner and kind, the above-mentioned Macedonian people, kindly recommending to all Our military commanders not to attack the Macedonian people or cause any difficulties to them, but, in accordance with the forces available, to protect, defend and help them always and under any circumstances.”