1947.04.26_The New York Times – Macedonians executed

1947.04.26_The New York Times - Macedonians executed

Дваесет македонски партизани биле убиени од грчки стрелачки вод во Кожани. Биле осудени на смрт поради членување во „Славјанска Македонска вооружена банда“. Организацијата во која членувале била обвинета поради автономистички дејства во Македонија.

„… Macedonians Executed
ATHENS, April 25 (Reuters) — Twenty guerrillas were shot by a firing squad at Kozani, Western Macedonia, today after being sentenced for alleged membership in a “Slav Macedonian armed band.” The organization was accused of autonomist activities in Macedonia.
Seven Communists were sentenced to death by a court-martial at Mytiline for activities endangering the state.
The Greek General Staff has filed an espionage charge against the management of the Athens newspaper Rizospastis, organ of the Greek Communist party, which published an allegedly top secret army report on the strength and organization of the guerrilla forces in Greece.

Published: April 26, 1947 Copyright © The New York Times