Во писмо до редакцијата на весникот некој Харолд Берман, зборува за бунтовите во Кина и во Македонија, како нови крстоносни војни. При тоа повеќе пати ги споменува Македонците, зборува за македонската борба за ослободување, како дел од тие игри на големите сили.
To the Editor of The New York Times:
। Those who flatter themselves that the
I days of the Crusader and Holy Wars have
passed never to return; that National raids
for conquest and plunder, like individual
acts of brigandage, are proscribed by the
Nations* code of morals, and viewed with
honor; that justice and humanity are the
only guiding spirits in our chancelleries,
will have to revise their too hastily formed
opinion when they will be confronted with
the conduct of the Christian armies in
China three years ago, and the present
day occurrences in that seat of intrigue (
and crime—Macedonia! The actions of the
representatives of a ” higher civilization” I
in China, with all their atrocious punitive ;
expeditions and plunderous raids, are too
well known to need recapitulation, being
matters of the past and therefore be-
the possibility of correction; also the •
culpable behavior of certain powers in
Macedonia at the present moment, no-
tably .’Russia and Austria, also Bulgaria.
The dispatches in to-day’s press inform
us that ” the Bulgarian agency at Monastir
is being used as a recruiting office,” that
” the Russian Consul is known to actively
sympathize with the movement.” that
” Bulgarian bands have occupied a Turkish
town,” that ’‘meetings of prominent Mace-
donians are being held dally at Sophia,”
and that ” the Powers will seek to locan-
ize the insurrection,” &c. All of which
certainly warrant the assumption that this !
is no ordinary attempt on the part of an
oppressed people to rid itself of a yoke
which hag become unbearable, but is merely
the fruition of much scheming and intrigu-
ing on the part of foreign ” agents ” in an
ally’s land—in violation of even the basic
principles of international law, and which,
had the reverse been the case, would have
called out a vigorous protest and possibly
an ultimatum, while ” the Porte accuses
no one! ”
Russia, above everybody, is certainly not
moved to embroil herself in this tangle
by a spirit of humanity and disinterested
compassion for a few hundreds of thou-
sands of Macedonians outside of her bor-
der, while she can view with entire com-
posure and undisturbed countenance the
terrible sufferings of millions of Poles,
Jews and Finns In her own dominion.
Neither has Austria exhausted the fountain
of kindness in her treatment of the Mag-
yar and Pole that she must look for new
fields in which to display her generosity.
The fact is that greed and rapacity are
the prime causes of what is now transpir-
ing in the Bankans, that the natives covet
the lands, and, w’hile they cannot employ
the mediaeval, and now obsolete. hiethod ,of
making religion the pretext for a call to
arms against the “ infidel Turk ” or
” heathen Chinee,” they have chosen to be
perniciously active in the dark, hoping
that by their arousing the simple Macedon-
ians to acts of depredation and bloodshed,
which will certainly lead to well merited
acts of retribution on the part of their
Turkish masters, they will be afforded the
opportunity of raising up a cry for their
Innocently-slain and maltreated co-religion-
Ists at the hands of the ” intolerable ” Mo-
hammedans, and to keep on fanning the
flame of zealotry thus awakened till they
will have granted their long since formed
designs upon ” the Sick Man of Europe.”
Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 8. 1903.
Published: August 11, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times…“
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