Новинарско известување во текот на Илинденското Востание. Известувања за судирите на Македонците организирани од Македонскиот Револуционерен Комитет со турската војска. Нема спомнување на Бугари, Грци Срби, ниту браворузи во стилот – бугарски, грчки, српски Македонци.
Insurgents in Monastic District Said to Number 8,000.
Will Try to Intercept Turkish Reinforcements—More Villages Destroyed by Both Sides.
SOFIA. Aug. 10.—The representatives of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee have published a statement saying that the number of insurgents in the District of lʧonastir is 8,00p, and that they are armed with rifles purchased in Greece.
It is also stated that on Aug. 2, GOO insurgents destroyed three detachments of Turkish troops, numbering- altogether 100, and attacked the town of Kitchevo, but failed to occupy it. The insurgents, however, destroyed the Turkish village of Drougovo, the inhabitants of which had come to the assistance of the garrison of Kitchevo.
The statement further says that three Christian villages. Smilevo, Krouche, and Bolno, near Monastir, have been completely destroyed by the Turkish troops.
Published: August 11, 1903 Copyright © The New York Times …“