1910 US newspaper report on the activities of American Protestant missionary Reverend Johh H. House in #Macedonia, lists Macedonians….clearly differentiating them from Greeks & Bulgars Evening Star, Washington DC, June 18, 1910
„… Mr. and Mrs. House have rpent practically their entire lives in educational and missionary work in Macedonia—more than thirty-five years of devotion. self-sacrifice and earnest helpfulness in supplying (he in ellectual and tniritual need?: of a grateful people. No man in all the i>al!:an peninsula is better known, more influential or more highly respected by all classes than John H. Hou.e. Turks Jews, Greeks, Bulgarians, Macedonians, men of rank and authority, officials of the government, financial men and merchants, as we.I as the farmers and peasants. ana, indeed, even the brigands have learned to know him ar.d appreciate his disinterested, unselfish labors fcr their fellow-countrymen.