Една поширока статија која известува за текот на востанието. Се известува за потврдени и непотврдени гласини за колежи, злосторства, убиства на затвореници. Посебно се истакнати злосторствата во Крушево, битолската и леринската област. Таму бил извршен општ колеж, скоро сите села биле разурнати. Делови од телата на убиените биле расфрлани низ Крушево и Битола. Во 21 село биле убиени сите жени и деца. Соперничките македонски комитети ги закопале разликите и работеле во усогласеност. Македонските водачи признаваат дека востанието во битолскиот вилает е практично завршено.
Низ целата статија нема ни спомен за бугарски востаници, бугарско востание, ниту пак некакво спојување со Бугарија. Напротив пишува за македонски комитети, македонски водачи, македонски градови. Постои известување за надежите кај востаниците да го пренесат востанието на границата со Бугарија и на таков начин, меѓу другото, да ја натераат бугарската Влада да преземе дејство и да им помогне.
General Massacre in Monastir
Valiyyet Reported.
It Has Now Extended to All Four Prov-
inces of Macedonia.
Unspeakable Atrocities at Krushevo—-
Prisoners Slaughtered by Guards—
Insurgents Mean to Follow
Boer Tactics.
SOFIA, Aug:. 24.—With the rumors of
massacres, atrocities, and the murder of
prisoners in Monastir Valiyyet now au-
thenticated, the general situation is con- ’
sidered here as fast becoming intoler- {
able. ;
Official ang diplomatic circles are alike ;
concerned, having every reason to fear
that only a part of the horrors enacted
in the interior of Macedonia have yet
come to light.
The revolutionary committees are do-
Ing their utmost to force the hands of
the Bulgarian Government, and the im- .
mediate outlook is exceedingly serious.
It appears that the Turks have ob- !
tained the upper hand in the Valiyyet of :
Monastir, and the Insurgents are plan-
ning to remove the centre of their activ- j
ity to territory in unpleasant proximity :
to the Bulgarian frontier.
Bispatches arriving to-day from the
disturbed areas are exceedingly gloomy.
From Adrianople comes the news of a
Turkish defeat and the extension of the
revolutionary outbreak; from Monastir
the news of Turkish victories accom-
panied by barbarous excesses.
While many of the reports remain
without confirmation, sufficient authen-
tic details are forthcoming to cause the
authorities the gravest anxiety.
According to the Sofia Dnevnik, the
Turks committed unspeakable atrocities
at Krushevo. The mutilated corpses of
ninety women and children were found
in one building: pieces of the bodies had
been thrown into the street. .Fifteen of
the principal merchants of the town
were killed and their heads exhibited on
poles at Monastir. The churches were
demolished and the houses sacked, and
the town is now a heap of ashes. The
populace fled to the hills, where they are
in a starving condition.
The Dnevnik asserts that a general
massacre has occurred in the whole Val-
iyyet of Monastir. Nearly all the vil-
lages, it says, have been destroyed.
Other reports are to the effect that
the Turks massacred all the women aad
children in twenty-two villages of the
districts of Florina and Monastir, and
afterward burned the villages.
Reports from Monastir authenticated
by the Russian and Austrian Consuls
give horrifying details of the massacre-j j
and atrocities. At the village of Armen- !
sko the Turks destroyed ləθ houses out •
of a total of 157, and massacred every
man, woman, and child. The women
were subjected to the most terrible
atrocities by the soldiers. Eighty revo-
lutionaries, captured at Krushevo, who
were sent in the direction of Monastir in
chains, were slaughtered by their guards.
The sanitary conditions at Krushevo
are described in these reports as revolt- [
ing. The dead are lying in the streets. I
stripped of every garment, the Turks
even taking the vestments off the body
of a priest. The survivors are afraid to
bury the bodies, fearing to incur the
suspicions of the Turks.
The Macedonian organizations in Sofia
and throughout Bulgaria are busily plan-
ning to help their brethren across the
border. It is said that the rival commit-
tees have buried their differences and
are now working in harmony, confident
that the rich Bulgarians who have hith-
erto withheld their contributions on ac-
count of the committees* dissensions
will now give liberally.
The Macedonian leaders admit that the
insurrection in the Valiyyet of Monastir
is practically at an end, and they appear
to pin their hopes on the transfer of act-
ive operations to the territory near the •
Bulgarian frontier. Within three weeks,
they assert, Eastern Macedonia will be in
full revolt, and then the Bulgarian Gov-
ernment will be forced to take action.
Eljc Js’clir j]ork Simrs
Published: August 25, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …“
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