1903.10.17_The New York Times – Exodus of Macedonians

1903.10.17_The New York Times - Exodus of Macedonians
Краток опис на содржината:
Од Турција тогашно Османлиско Царство кон Бугарија пребегнале 22,000 бегалци и од Одринскиот вилает уште 19,000. Повеќето од нив биле стари луѓе, жени и деца. Сите биле во состојба на целосна беда.
Сето како последица на разни одмазднички злосторства кои турската војска ги вршела врз населението. Жените биле двоени од децата, потоа убивани. Младите девојки биле носени во војничките касарни. Востанието во областа на Разлог било задушено уште пред да се рашири. Населението било оставено на милоста од разбеснетите војници и баши-бозуци.
Бугарскиот Министер за Внатрешни известува дека бегалците ќе бидат разместувани во внатрешноста и доверени на местните општини поткрепено со Владини фондови.
At Least 22,000 Refugees from Turkey
Are Now in Bulgaria.
London Times—New York Times
Special Cablegram.
LONDON, Oct. 17.—According to the
most moderate estimate, says the Sofia
correspondent of The Times, there are
now 22,000 refugees in Bulgaria from
Macedonia and the Valiyyet of Adrian-
ople, of whom 19,000 have arrived in the
past few weeks. The fugitives are
mostly old meh, women, and children.
This exodus, says the correspondent,
is more eloquent than long lists of atroci-
ties and narratives of hideous cruelties.
It refutes unanswerably the assertions of
s those who are endeavoring to minimize
or conceal the happenings in European
Turkey, and shows that life has .been
rendered intolerable in the Sultan’s do-
minions. Almost all the refugees are in
a condition of total destitution.
American missionaries who have been
i in daily contact with the fugitives state
i that the attacks on the Christian quar-
i ters of Losengra^, Malotirnovo, and
neighboring villages were made unex-
pectedly. The soldiers plundered and
burned the houses and mercilessly mas-
sacred men and even women. Many
young girls were removed to the soldiers’
quarters. The bands in the mountains
were meanwhile left unmolested.
The soldiers pursued a party of twen-
ty fugitives. During the flight many of
the women were compelled to abandon
their infants. Eventually all were killed.
The rising in the Razlog district ap-
pears to have been suppressed before it
spread widely. The inhabitants now re-
main at the mercy of the infuriated sol-
diers and Bashi-Bazouks.
In a later dispatch the correspondent
says the Ministry of the Interior has is-
sued a circular to the local authorities
pointing out that about 20,000 refugees,
mostly wholly destitute, are now congre-
gated in the frontier districts. As they
cannot be repatriated until guarantees
for their security have been obtained
and means have been provided for re-
building their houses, measures must be
taken for domiciling them in various
parts of the country, with a view to the
avoidance of epidemics and the relief of
The authorities are ordered to arrange
for the distribution of the refugees
among the viUages in the Interior and
the construction, if necessary, of tem-
porary abodes. Their maintenance will
be intrusted to local committees em-
powered to raise subscriptions and ex-
pend Government funds.
Published: October 17, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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