Водечките пратеници од Софија бараат Македонија да биде окупирана.
И во изразноста од Прва Светска војна бугарското запоседнување на Македонија во бугарските установи, во случајов бугарскиот законодавен дом, е нарекувано окупација.
Leading Deputies of Sofia Ask That Macedonia Be Occupied.
LONDON, Nov. 24.—In the course of the sitting of the Bulgarian Parliament today, says a dispatch to the Central News Agency from Sofia, the leaders of the Agrarian, National, and Liberal Parties delivered speeches in which i they called for the formation of a genuine National Ministry.
The Deputies also urged the occupation by Bulgaria of Macedonia, which, it was argued, could be carried out in agreement with the Triple Entente powers.
Austrian troops, said the speakers, were approaching the Bulgarian frontier, which, it was feared, they would cross with a view to cooperating witn the Turks.
Published: November 25, 1914 Copyright © The New York Times
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