2010_Andreja Iljaž – ‘(Ne)priznavanje makedonski narodne manjšine v Grčiji’, Ljubljana (pdf)

2010_Andreja Iljaž - '(Ne)priznavanje makedonski narodne manjšine v Grčiji', Ljubljana

Словенечко дипломско дело за феноменот на македонското прашање и причините за непризнавање на македонското малцинство во Република Грција.


To diplomsko delo predstavlja poskus opredelitve problemov makedonske narodne manjšine
v Republiki Grčiji ter glavne razloge, ki so skupaj z zgodovinskimi okoliščinami pripomogli k
nastanku te problematike v okviru moderne grške države. Delo izhaja iz temeljne
predpostavke, da je manjšinski problem, s katerim se na takšen ali drugačen način soočajo vse
balkanske države, povezan z nastankom in afirmacijo modernih nacionalnih držav ter
prisvojitvijo nacionalizma kot državne ideologije, ki je v bistvu vsilil logiko: ena država, en
dominanten narod in en uradni jezik. Tako poskuša prvi teoretični del razložiti pojav t. i.
»makedonskega vprašanja«, katerega del je tudi vprašanje makedonske narodne manjšine v
mejah Republike Grčije. V nadaljevanju poskušamo s pomočjo analize odnosa grške države
do narodnih manjšin, poiskati glavne vzroke za kontinuirano in vztrajno nepriznavanje
obstoja makedonske narodne manjšine. Predstavili smo tudi sintezo ugotovitev, povezanih z
raziskovalnim problemom, ter razvoj argumentov, katerih cilj je prikazati razvoj in sedanji
odnos do tega problema. V zaključnem poglavju smo ugotovili, da je ravno dejstvo
potvarjanja stvarnosti, da bi bila le-ta kar se da v skladu s trenutno politično naracijo in s t. i.
nacionalnimi interesi, velikokrat krivo za ustvarjanje nerešenih nacionalnih vprašanj.

Ključne besede: narodna manjšina, nacionalizem, moderna nacionalna država, varstvo
manjšin, nepriznavanje manjšine.


This degree dissertation is trying to define the problems of the Macedonian national minority
in Greece and the main reasons that have along with historical circumstances contributed to
the origin of this issue in the modern Greek country. The degree dissertation originated in the
basic assumption that the minority issue, which is a problem in all Balkan countries, is
connected to the beginning and the affirmation of modern national countries and the
appropriation of nationalism as a national ideology that has actually imposed the logic: one
country – one dominant nation and one official language. In that way, the first theoretical part
is trying to explain the phenomenon of the so called »Macedonian issue« that also includes
the question of the Macedonian national minority within the borders of Greece. In
continuation we are focused on finding the main reasons for the continued and persisting non-
recognition of the existence of Macedonian national minority in Greece, with the analysis of
the Greek’s relation towards national minorities that are situated within its borders. We have
also made a synthesis of findings related to the research problem and the analysis and the
development of arguments whose goal it is to present the real image of the development and
the present relation towards the problem. The last part of the dissertation ascertains that in the
majority of cases is the fact of falsifying reality, for the years to be as much in accordance
with the momentary political narration or so called national interests as possible, that is guilty
for creating unsolved national questions.“



Извор: Univerza v Ljubljani