1904.02.28_The New York Times – Macedonian plot in Italy

1904.02.28_The New York Times - Macedonian plot in Italy

Македонски заговоренички план во Италија. Борис Сарафов македонскиот предводник при престој во Италија разговарал со Ричиоти Гарибалди (четврт син на Џузепе Гарибалди з. прев.) при тоа биле договорени за подигнување на општо востание на Балканот. За таа цел планирале создавање на италијански одред од доброволци кој ќе се вклучи во македонското движење. Ричиоти Гарибалди ја одбил понудата да го води македонското движење затоа што сметал дека него треба да го води некој кој што е таму непосредно заинтересиран за Македонија.

Boris Sarafoff and Ricciotti Garibaldi
Decide Upon Course of Action.
ROME, Feb. 27.-—The situation in the
Balkans, although it has apparently lm- [
proved somewhat during the last few days,
still occasions considerable anxiety. It ls’,
। no longer a secret that Booris Sarafoff, the i
Macedonian leader, came to Italy with the ,
[ principal object of deciding on a course of
| action with Ricciotti Garibaldi, who hereto-
, fore has not approved of an isolated move-
I meat on the part of the Macedonians.
The two leaders agreed upon a plan which
i would result in a general rising In the Bal- ‘
kans, should necessity arise. With this ob-
ject a meeting of all the Balkan leaders
has been provisionally arranged tð take !
•place ih Venice‘about the end of March.
The possibility of arbitration also was dfs- j
cussed by Sarafoff and Garibaldi. The lat- i
ter proposed to sound the United States as
to whether or not that country would be
willing to act in the capacity of arbitrator.
Garibaldi is secretly preparing a body of
1 volunteers, each member of which will be
equipped with arms, 2,000 rounds of cart-
ridges, and food for a month. Garibaldi
was offered the general direction of the
. Macedonian movement, but refused on the
ground that he thought it better to leave
the leadership to some man directly inter-
ested in Macedonia.
Confidential and official information re-
ceived here from Austria point to the fact
that that Government is making extensive
preparations to check any movements on
its southeastern frontiers, where reinforce-
ments amounting to 30,000 men have been
It is known that negotiations are going
on between Russia and Italy with regard
to the Balkans. Signor Tlttoni, the Italian
Foreign Minister, alluded to these ex-
changes in the Chamber of Deputies on
Feb. 22, when he protested against the
anti-Russian manifestations in Italy, and
said they would endanger the relations of
Italy and Russia just when the two Gov-
ernments were ” exchanging views on very
vital interests.”

The New York Times
Published: February 28, 1904
Copyright © The New York Times

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