1906.01-06_Blackwoods Magazine, Dame Gruev

1906.01-06_Blackwoods Magazine, Dame Gruev

“If there are Greek and Servian propagandas,” he replied, “why can`t there be a Bulgarian propaganda? There is. There are Bulgarian politicians who are no more our friends than are the Greeks.”

Dame Gruev – founder of International Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO)


„Ако постои грчка и српска пропаганда, зошто да не може да постои и бугарска. Таа постои. Има бугарски политичари кои се поголеми наши непријатели од Грците и Србите.“

Даме Груев – основач на Тајната Македонска Pеволуционерна Oрганизација


There are Bulgarian politicians who are no more our friends
than are the Greeks. Under the names of well-known chiefs, they
try to send bands into Macedonia to agitate for the annexation
idea. What more natural than that we should order them out
when they appear? And if they, feeling secure in being of our
own flesh and blood, defy us, what can we do but drive them