Category: А17.3 ДМК Само посока
За врските на древните и сегашните Македонци поткрепено БЕЗ СЛИКА СО ПОСОКА.
1800~_John Adams, second U.S. President
The project of setting at liberty the whole country of ancient Greece, Macedonia, and Illyricum, and erecting independent Republics in those famous seats… Посочил: @Based_Macedonia
-0200-_Quito Historian
Античките Македонци никогаш не биле Грци и не биле дел од грчките племиња. За тоа постојат многу докази и факти. Во устите на Хелените: -„Кога ќе се рече Македонец, треба да се разбере варварин, кој не говори и кој не мисли грчки.“ – In the mouths of Hellenes: -“When you say Macedonian, you have to understand a barbarian who doesn’t…
-0200 « 1908_Charles Morris – ‘Historical Tales: Greek’, Pg. 292
Macedonia lay north of Greece. Its people were not Greeks, nor like Greeks in their customs.
1908_H.F.N. Lynch – ‘Europe in Macedonia’
• Pg. 13 • Do not say the Greeks and the Bulgarians; say the Macedonians. • Pg. 33 • The three vilayets or provinces – a term which is still officially applied to the reform area…happens to correspond with the limits assigned by travelers and geographers to Macedonia. There have been, and there still may be living, persons who deny…
1904_Jakov Slishkovikj – ‘Albania and Macedonia’, Pg. 160
There are still those of today’s inhabitants of Macedonia that do not consider themselves as Serbs or Bulgarians, but a separate ethnicity, probably descendants of the ancient Macedonians.
1906.11.27_St. Louis Post – Dispatch, Pg. 2
The Macedonians and the Hellenes, or native Greeks, engage in constant reprisals which sometimes amount to border warfare.
1871_Petko Slaveykov
We have many times heard from the Macedonists that they are not Bulgarians but Macedonians, descendants of the Ancient Macedonians.