Category: А9.1 Слика и посока

Докази за македонската самобитност потврдено со изворни слики од СТРАНСКИОТ НОВИНАРСКИ ПЕЧАТ.

1928.10.13_The London Times - Macedonians murdered in Sofia, p11
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1928.10.13_The London Times – Macedonians murdered in Sofia, p11

„… MACEDONIANS MURDERED IN SOFIA. ] (from our correspondent.) SOFIA, Oct. 12. Peter Traikoff, an adherent of the late General Protogueroff in the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, and two of his companions, were attacked this evening in the centre of Sofia by partisans of Ivan Mihailoff, the new leader of the M.R.O. When attacked, Traikoff fired several shots at his assailants,…

1927.04.14_The London Times - Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1927.04.14_The London Times – Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13

„… BULGARIA AND THE MACEDONIANS. A PROPERTY DISPUTE. (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) SOFIA, April 13. The decision of tho Greco-Bulgarian Mixed Commission of Emigration to liquidate the ecclesiastical and scholastic proj>erty of the Bulgarian communities in those villages of Greek Macedonia I whence the majority of the Bulgarian population has emigrated, either voluntarily or under compulsion, to Bulgaria, has caused much…

1925.04.12_The Mansfield News - Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1925.04.12_The Mansfield News – Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group

Во статија инспирана од Македонците во Менсфилд, (САД) може да се види несомненото македонско национално чувство (1925 г). Никој ниту спомнува, ниту помислува на Срби, Бугари… „… 500 години Македонија беше под владеење на турските султани. Потоа, дојде војната и како резултат на поделбата на засегнатите земји со промена на владеењето за Македонија, каде што Александар Велики некогаш го држеше…

1924.03.05_The London Times - 140 Macedonians arrested, p13
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1924.03.05_The London Times – 140 Macedonians arrested, p13

„… 140 MACEDONIANS ARRESTED. BULGARIAN GOVERNMENT’S ACTION. • (from our own correspondent.) SOFIA, March 3. Last night the Government arrested in Sofia 40 and at Kustendil 100 Macedonians known either to belong to or to be in close sympathy with the revolutionary organization. The taking of such a step had been discussed for a considerable time, but it was always…

1923.04.17_The London Times - "Macedonia for the Macedonians", p13
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1923.04.17_The London Times – “Macedonia for the Macedonians”, p13

„… “ MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIAN’S.” (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SOFIA, April 15. This morning an immense demonstration was made in Sofia on behalf of the Macedonians in Serbia. At least forty thousand persons, constituting 20 per cent, of the population of Sofia, took part in a procession which passed through the main streets of the town. Thirty-two different organizations,…

1922.12.07_The London Times - The outbreak in Bulgaria, p11
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1922.12.07_The London Times – The outbreak in Bulgaria, p11

„… THE OUTBREAK IN BULGARIA. MACEDONIANS SEIZE A TOWN. (from oxjb correspondent.) SOFIA, Dec. 5. Kustendil [a town some forty-five miles south-east of Sofia] was occupied on Sunday by some thousands of peasants led by Macedonian Autonomist leomi-tadjis. A number of murders have recently been committed in Kustendil and they have been attributed to agents of the Government ; hence…

1919.08.16_The Times - Macedonian Appeal To Paris, pg6
Posted in А25 Југославија Кралство А9.1 Слика и посока

1919.08.16_The Times – Macedonian Appeal To Paris, pg6

„… MACEDONIAN APPEAL TO PARIS, TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,—At this moment, while the Peace Conference is occupied with tho solution of the Balkan problems, wo two million Macedonians are anxiously awaiting a just and equitable settlement of the Macedonian question. It was from tho Balkans that, in 1914, issued the spark which set the world on fire….

1918.11.04_The London Times, p07 - The Macedonians
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1918.11.04_The London Times, p07 – The Macedonians

„… THE MACEDONIANS. A PEOPLE LONGING FOR PEACE. (from our special correspondent.) USKUB, Oct. 10 (received yesterday). Alter an attempt to reach Salonika extending over eight days, during which we got as near as Strumnitza, we have been compelled to return to Veles, or Uskub, where we must await a partial reopening of the injured railway. Heavy rains have converted…

1904.04.08__The London Times, p03 - The Balkan outlook
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1904.04.08__The London Times, p03 – The Balkan outlook

„… THE BALKAN OUTLOOK. THE MACEDONIANS AND THE REFORMS. (fbom olb own corbespondents.) PARIS, Arna 7. The special correspondent of th© Petit Parisien in Bulgaria reports a conversation which be has had with the supremo chief of the Macedonian revolutionary organization, Dr. Tatartchefl. Tho latter said among other things :— “ You tell me that we must have patience. That…

1897.02.06_The New York Times - Mr. Gladstone and the Balkan Confederation
Posted in _Избор А9.1 Слика и посока

1897.02.06_The New York Times – Mr. Gladstone and the Balkan Confederation

„… Mu. Gladstone and the Balkan Confédéral TTON-—Tho Byron Society;, which is actively engaged in disseminating appeals  in Greece and Bulgaria to help the cause of the .Macedonians, has communicated io its agents a letter from Mr. Gladstone for distribution in the vernacular in! South-Eastern Europe. The society aims at inducing the Greek, Servian, and. Bulgarian Governments to come to…

1895.04.06_The London Times, p07 - The Macedonian movement
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1895.04.06_The London Times, p07 – The Macedonian movement

„… THE MACEDONIAN MOVEMENT. SOFIA, April 2. The Macedonian conference continues to hold meetings, but the public have not yet been admitted. It was decided to hold private sittings partly because of the various delicate subjects, including charges against some of the leaders of the movement, which are being investigated, partly because it was thought desirable to avoid provoking remonstrances…

1947.04.08_The New York Times - Greece executes 8 Macedonians
Posted in А20.1 Слика и посока А26.3 Дела и Настани А9.1 Слика и посока

1947.04.08_The New York Times – Greece executes 8 Macedonians

„… Грција егзекутира 8 Македонци Атина. Жетвар 7 … Осум Македонски Цивили осудени на смрт од воен суд поради обвинување за завера за одвојување на Македнија од Грција беа убиеани во Солун денес. Беше речено дека биле членови на ‘терористичка’ Славјанска организација.  „… Greece Executes 8 Macedonians ATHENS. June 7 (Reuthers) — Eight Macedonian Civilians sentenced to death by a…

1947.04.26_The New York Times - Macedonians executed
Posted in А26.3 Дела и Настани А9.1 Слика и посока

1947.04.26_The New York Times – Macedonians executed

Дваесет македонски партизани биле убиени од грчки стрелачки вод во Кожани. Биле осудени на смрт поради членување во „Славјанска Македонска вооружена банда“. Организацијата во која членувале била обвинета поради автономистички дејства во Македонија. „… Macedonians Executed ATHENS, April 25 (Reuters) — Twenty guerrillas were shot by a firing squad at Kozani, Western Macedonia, today after being sentenced for alleged membership…

1915.09.27_The New York Times
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1915.09.27_The New York Times

„… Spncinl Cable to The New YORK TIMES’. ROME, Sept. 27.—Another great conflagration in the Balkans is unavoidable. Many Balkan exiles living; in Italy, especially Greeks. Macedonians, and Bulgarians. aw speeding home via I Brindisi and Messina. I Another sign of the gravity of the sit-: nation is the fresh severity of the <-en-i sorshɪp in the Balkan countries, practically…

1915.09.21_The New York Times - Bulgaria anger allies and Balkans
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1915.09.21_The New York Times – Bulgaria anger allies and Balkans

„… BULGARIA ANGERS ALLIES AND BALKANS Is Mobilizing Macedonians Before That Territory Actually Has Been Ceded to Her. MAY GET ANOTHER NOTE Reply to Earlier Note of Quadruple Alliance Demanded “ at Earliest territory*, and in effect ^asking Bulgaria what she purposed doing as a result of the concessions. Now. however, the diplomatic outline continued, before giving an answer, Bulgaria…