Category: А15 Странски изјави

Expressions of foreign celebrities in favor of Macedonian ethnogenesis.

1903_Gaston-Routier - 'La Macedoine et la question Macédonienne', Paris
Posted in _Избор А12.1 Слика и посока А15 Странски изјави

1903_Gaston-Routier – ‘La Macedoine et la question Macédonienne’, Paris

Macedonia will be independent and the Macedonians will remain Macedonians…What the Macedonians want is autonomy for their country, with the intervention of Europe in their favor. No division, no annexation to another state; Macedonia is unique and to the Macedonians. Who can oppose the creation of an autonomous Macedonia? … Greeks have large claims, it is clear, but after the…

1904.05.12_Андра Гавриловић - 'Бранково Коло' X 17, с.516
Posted in А7.3 Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1904.05.12_Андра Гавриловић – ‘Бранково Коло’ X 17, с.516

This winter a Macedonian theater group, under the direction of Crnodrimski, gave guest performances in Belgrade and certain other cities of the Kingdom of Serbia. It presented original Macedonian dramas in the Macedonian language. In one word, we had attempts at a new spiritual-cultural literature and art – Macedonian. Let us not fool ourselves. What Crnodrimski presented was not jargon…

1871.01.18_Petko Slaveykov - 'The Macedonian Question'
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1871.01.18_Petko Slaveykov – ‘The Macedonian Question’

We have heard other arguments as well. Certain Macedonians consider themselves as separate from the Bulgarians for another reason, for the reason that they are pure Slavs and that the Bulgarians are Tatars.

1920_Douglas Walshe - 'With the Serbs in Macedonia' Pg. 188
Posted in А12.1 Слика и посока А15 Странски изјави

1920_Douglas Walshe – ‘With the Serbs in Macedonia’ Pg. 188

Language difficulties never daunt a British Tommy, not even modern Greek or Macedonski. … He is picturesque and peaceable, he works hard in his fields, and in a large number of cases speaks ‘Macedonski’, which the Serbs call Serbian and the Bulgars Bulgarian, and knows no Turkish, and very little Greek.   Посочил: Macedonia History Извор:

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1938.05_Jovan Petrovic, Serb from Skopje

The local Macedonians…view us as usurpers, invaders, and exploiters, they are always hostile toward us and work in unity and systematically to drive us out on every issue.

Posted in А15 Странски изјави

Rodolphe Archibald Reiss

• 1918 • But I repeat that the big mass of the population remained Macedonian. • 1918_Rudolf A. Reiss – ‘Sur la situation des Macedoniens et des musulmans dans les Nouvelles provinces Grecques’, Pgs. 6-7 • In my opinion a Macedonian cannot be called either a Bulgarian or a Serbian, but simply a Macedonian. • 1918_Rudolf A. Reiss – ‘Sur…

Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1920_Hermann Wendel

The Slavs call themselves Makedonci as everywhere else standing between the Serbs and the Bulgarians.

1915_Frank Fox
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1915_Frank Fox

  • ‘Bulgaria’ • Those are the six main racial elements. But there are other scraps of peoples – the Albanians, for example, and the Macedonians, and tribes of Moslem Bulgars, and some Asiatic elements brought in by the Turks.   • ‘The Balkan Peninsula’ • In a characteristic Turkish town, the shops were kept by Greeks, the industries carried…

1923-1924_Colonel A.C. Corfe
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926_Colonel Corfe

One of the Macedonian’s chief grievances is against the Greek Gendarmerie and during our tour we saw many examples of the arrogant and unsatisfactory methods of the Gendarmerie, who commandeer from the peasants whatever food they want.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А6.3 Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1925.01.25_Greek Infantry Lieutenant Dim. Kamburas, Armensko

Being shocked and increasingly concerned, I struck the village mayor when I heard him speak Bulgarian, which he wishes call Macedonian, and I recommended that in the future should always and everywhere speak only Greek, and that should recommend that his villagers do the same.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922.10_C.H. Bateman

Just because the Slavs of Macedonia call themselves Macedonians, there was no reason why we or you should consent to give them a name which coincides with a piece of territory.

1926_La Fédération Balcanique - Emanuel Duvillard (Je suis Macédonien)
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926_Emanuel Duvillard

Are you a Serb? Are you Bulgarian? Grecian or Albanian? On this series of questions, the Macedonian people, today as yesterday, were giving the same answer – I am Macedonian.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919_Major Bernar

In the part of Macedonia now subject to Greek rule the language of the current ruling authority is barely understood in the country … When you ask the people what their nationality is they almost always reply ‘We are Macedonians!’

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1903.10.24_The World’s News

Macedonians fought side-by-side with the Greeks during the long and bitter struggle for Grecian independence. When the Servians revolted, Macedonians swarmed through the mountain passes to render assistance; when the Bulgarian rebellion broke out, Macedonians hurried to stand side-by-side to fight, and, if necessary to die with men of an alien race having nothing in common with themselves but hatred…

1930.06.28_Henri Barbusse, Monde No. 108, Pg. 2
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1930.06.28_Henri Barbusse, Monde No. 108, Pg. 2

The Macedonians, who have their own separate language and indisputable ethnic originality, do not have the right to be called Macedonians.