Category: Б03 Иселеничка

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2023.06.01_Risto Stefov – ‘Greek Atrocitices Comitted against the Macedonian People’, Toronto (pdf)

Книга во која е внесена збирка на разни документи, во кои се изнесени разни грчки злосторства на национална основа, извршени врз поединци од македонскиот народ.     Посочил: Вождот

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2020.03.15_Dejan Saveski PhD – ‘Procedural unconstitutionality and illegality of the Prespa agreement’, Split (pdf)

The Prespa Agreement signed on June 17, 2018, which changed the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, is a precedent on international law. In the procedure of his conclusion, ratification, and execution were committed serious violations of procedural rules. Although the violations that this agreement produces are numerous, and with different nature, the focus of this paper is on…

Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2017_LOMA – ‘In Defense of the Macedonian Identity’ (pdf)

The following compilation of quotes is meant to be a weapon against Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian and Albanian propaganda. Such propaganda often claims that Macedonians do not constitute a separate ethnic group, or that the Macedonian people, their language and culture should not be called Macedonian, or that today’s Republic of Macedonia has no right to be called Macedonia, or that…

Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2018_LOMA – ‘Immigrants to America Whose Race Was Defined As Macedonian’ (pdf)

Macedonians began immigrating to the United States of America in the 19 th century. These initial Macedonian immigrants primarily came to America for educational or religious opportunities and had no intention of remaining. At the turn of the 20 th century, Macedonians started arriving in the thousands. Most of them were seeking prosperity or reprieve from the violent Balkan environment….

2017.01.07_Hristo Andonovski & Risto Stefov - 'The Truth About Greek Occupied Macedonia', Toronto_01
Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2017.01.07_Hristo Andonovski & Risto Stefov – ‘The Truth About Greek Occupied Macedonia’, Toronto (pdf)

2012_Josef M. Djordjevski - 'Masters Thesis - Nationalism in Practice A', San Diego_01
Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2012_Josef M. Djordjevski – ‘Masters Thesis – Nationalism in Practice A’, San Diego (pdf)

2008_Risto Stefov - 'Very short history of macedonian people from the prehistory to present', Toronto_01
Posted in Б03 Иселеничка

2008_Risto Stefov – ‘Very short history of macedonian people from the prehistory to present’, Toronto (pdf)