Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1920_Hermann Wendel

The Slavs call themselves Makedonci as everywhere else standing between the Serbs and the Bulgarians.

1915_Frank Fox
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1915_Frank Fox

  • ‘Bulgaria’ • Those are the six main racial elements. But there are other scraps of peoples – the Albanians, for example, and the Macedonians, and tribes of Moslem Bulgars, and some Asiatic elements brought in by the Turks.   • ‘The Balkan Peninsula’ • In a characteristic Turkish town, the shops were kept by Greeks, the industries carried…

1923-1924_Colonel A.C. Corfe
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926_Colonel Corfe

One of the Macedonian’s chief grievances is against the Greek Gendarmerie and during our tour we saw many examples of the arrogant and unsatisfactory methods of the Gendarmerie, who commandeer from the peasants whatever food they want.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А6.3 Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1925.01.25_Greek Infantry Lieutenant Dim. Kamburas, Armensko

Being shocked and increasingly concerned, I struck the village mayor when I heard him speak Bulgarian, which he wishes call Macedonian, and I recommended that in the future should always and everywhere speak only Greek, and that should recommend that his villagers do the same.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-Pamphlet found on detained IMRO rebel (1903.07.07)

The Macedonians must prove to their enemies, both in the Balkans and of the Great Powers, that they are no longer a savage race.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-Secret Macedonian Committee – Memorandum (1887.06)

This can be accomplished only by the Macedonian population itself, which should announce to the world that it is a separate nation, with a separate history, character and customs, and that it has nothing in common with the surrounding small states. Therefore, it follows that no one has any right to lay claim to Macedonia and it belongs to the…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Gjorgji Makedonski (1864)

I was born from my father priest Dimitar and mother Vaskresija as the seventh child of twelve children, five males and seven females. The Slavic letter I learnt from my father, Dimitar Macedonian, who is called like that because we are Macedonians, not Greeks, and his father was called Joseph the priest, and his grandfather Stojmen the priest. I took…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922.10_C.H. Bateman

Just because the Slavs of Macedonia call themselves Macedonians, there was no reason why we or you should consent to give them a name which coincides with a piece of territory.

1917.05_National Geographic Magazine - 'On the Monastir Road', Herbert Corney
Posted in _Избор А8.1 Слика и посока

1917.05_National Geographic Magazine – ‘On the Monastir Road’, Herbert Corney

„НИ БУГАРКА, НИТИ ПАК СРБИНКА, МАКЕДОНКА СУМ И МИ Е СМАЧЕНО ОД ВОЈНИ“ Одговор на постара жена во с. Добровени Битолско 1917 г.. Извадок од статијата „ON THE MONASTIR ROAD“ објавена во NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE – Мај 1917 г. Автор: Herbert Corney. ‘Neither Bulgar nor Serb’ said one such old woman, defiantly, when we left the Monastir road at Dobraveni….

1926_La Fédération Balcanique - Emanuel Duvillard (Je suis Macédonien)
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926_Emanuel Duvillard

Are you a Serb? Are you Bulgarian? Grecian or Albanian? On this series of questions, the Macedonian people, today as yesterday, were giving the same answer – I am Macedonian.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919_Major Bernar

In the part of Macedonia now subject to Greek rule the language of the current ruling authority is barely understood in the country … When you ask the people what their nationality is they almost always reply ‘We are Macedonians!’

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1903.10.24_The World’s News

Macedonians fought side-by-side with the Greeks during the long and bitter struggle for Grecian independence. When the Servians revolted, Macedonians swarmed through the mountain passes to render assistance; when the Bulgarian rebellion broke out, Macedonians hurried to stand side-by-side to fight, and, if necessary to die with men of an alien race having nothing in common with themselves but hatred…

Kuzman Shapkarev (1870)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Kuzman Shapkarev (1870)

Macedonians barely freed themselves from the Greeks and what, now we are going to end up as Bulgars

Temko Popov (1888.05.09)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Temko Popov (1888.05.09)

Don’t fool yourself, Despot, the national spirit in Macedonia has attained such a state that Jesus Christ himself, if he were to descend from heaven, could not convince a Macedonian that he is a Bulgarian or a Serb, except for those Macedonians in whom Bulgarian propaganda has already taken root.

Anastas Jankov
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Anastas Jankov

•  1902  • Macedonians! Remember the world’s winner, the great glory of Macedonia, the great Alexander of Macedon; remember for the brave King Samoil, the Macedonian giant, for the marvelous Marko Kral, the Slavic glory, that Macedonian blood flowed through them; those of heavenly heights watch and bless our initiated work. To show worthy descendants of their descendants: to preserve…