Bistriski, Fourth Congress of the Macedonian National Association of America,  Detroit, Michigan, (1934)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Bistriski, Fourth Congress of the Macedonian National Association of America, Detroit, Michigan, (1934)

Why are we Macedonians a separate nation? The answer to this question is, more than all others, of great political significance. It is well known how Bulgarian as well as Serbian and Greek imperialism deny the existence of the Macedonian nation. According to the first of these, the Macedonians are the ‘best part of the Bulgarian nation’. According to the…

1871_Petko Slaveykov
Posted in А17.3 ДМК Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1871_Petko Slaveykov

We have many times heard from the Macedonists that they are not Bulgarians but Macedonians, descendants of the Ancient Macedonians.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1906_Mihailo Markovich, Moje Uspomene, Pg. 316

I asked him if he was a Bulgarian? ‘I’m not.’ I asked him if he was a Serb, Greek, or perhaps even a Tsintsar. ‘No, I am not. I am a Macedonian from Veles.’

1902.12_Македонско Ослободително Дело - Дончо Војвода со рускиот вицеконзул
Posted in А3.1 Слика и посока

1902.12_Македонско Ослободително Дело – Дончо Војвода со рускиот вицеконзул

Дончо војвода: „Македонците покрај пушката и Бога, се надева најмногу на Русија“ Во декември 1902 година Тодор Хаџи Тошев од Прилеп публикува еден разговор на рускиот вицеконсул во Пловдив Сергеј Андреевич со македонскиот ајдутин и революционер Дончо војвода од село Палат, Поринска Македонија. (“Разговор на Пловдивския руски вице-консул г. Сергей Андреевич с Дончо войвода в Кюстендил”, публикувано в сп. “Сборник…

1500+ « 1958_Ciro Giannelli - 'Un lexique Macedonien du XVI siecle'
Posted in _Избор А12.1 Слика и посока

1500+ « 1958_Ciro Giannelli – ‘Un lexique Macedonien du XVI siecle’

Macedonian Language – 16th Century! Macedonian Language We are proud to present the following historical source to our readers, a priceless document accompanied with analysis that shows how little the Macedonian langauge and vernacular has changed since the Middle Ages. Macedonian Lexicon – 16th Century Record of the Macedonian language The texts presented for analysis in this article were produced…

1516_H. Bebelius, p168
Posted in А12.1 Слика и посока

1516_H. Bebelius, p168

Турци, Македонци, Ромеи…

1910.06.18_Evening Star, Washington DC
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1910.06.18_Evening Star, Washington DC

1910 US newspaper report on the activities of American Protestant missionary Reverend Johh H. House in #Macedonia, lists Macedonians….clearly differentiating them from Greeks & Bulgars Evening Star, Washington DC, June 18, 1910 „… Mr. and Mrs. House have rpent practically their entire lives in educational and missionary work in Macedonia—more than thirty-five years of devotion. self-sacrifice and earnest helpfulness in…

1949.03.17_Canberra Times - Soviets seeks overthrow of Tito, p01
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1949.03.17_Canberra Times – Soviets seeks overthrow of Tito, p01

„… The Canberra Times, Thursday 17 March 1949, page 1 SOVIET StEKS’ OVERTHROW OF TITO I LONPON, WgtfBttPfty. ÎW twdww ♦У Мипки! TW» b YiyStb *nbsop mnnf « pppiPmIo» Refugees from Agoslavia. quoted by the AmerfcJh Associated Press. say that &e portiin-form is intensifying It* pressure on Yugoslavia from wfthln and without. Bulgarian and Rumanmn bands are repotted to be…

1947.07.10_Canberra Times - Soviet wants foreign troops out of Greece, p01
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1947.07.10_Canberra Times – Soviet wants foreign troops out of Greece, p01

„… The Canberra Times, Thursday 10 July 1947, page 1 SOVIET WANTS FOREIGN TROOPS OUT OF GREECE NEW YORK. Wednesday. Asking for the removal of foreign troop* and foreign military personnel from Greece and the setting up of a special commission to administer foreign aid. only in the interests of the Greek people. Gromyko presented to the Security Council a…

1945.09.05_Canberra Times - Yugoslavia warns Greece against mass persecutions, p01
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1945.09.05_Canberra Times – Yugoslavia warns Greece against mass persecutions, p01

„… The Canberra Times, Wednesday 5 September 1945, page 1 YUGOSLAVIA WARNS GREECE AGAINST MASS PERSECUTIONS Г’I * 1 I TuaadgV. The Yugoslav Government has • warned Greece against mass peraecu tions of Macedonians and incidents I on the Greek-Yugoslav border. I It also informed the Great Powers I of this step. The United States replied i>y pro-|Hising formation…

1944.01.15_Canberra_Times - Yugoslavia tie up 36 Axis divisions_p01
Posted in А26.3 Дела и Настани А9.1 Слика и посока

1944.01.15_Canberra_Times – Yugoslavia tie up 36 Axis divisions_p01

„… The Canberra Times, Saturday 15 January 1944, page 1 YUGOSLAVS TIE UP 36 AXIS DIVISIONS Partisiao Army Grows To Four Hundred Thousand LONDON, Friday. Thirty-six German and satellite divisions are at present doing their utmost on seven fronts to crush partisan armies, revealed Lisut-Colonal Vladimir Dedier. who has been attached to General Tito’s staff for 2ʌ years and is…

1938.11.17_Canberra Times - Alien influx, p06
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1938.11.17_Canberra Times – Alien influx, p06

„…Само 15 од 392 патници кои пристигнаа денес со италијанскиот линиски брод “Viminale”, беа Британци. Останатите беа Италијанци, Албанци, Грци, германски Евреи, полски Евреи, Чеси, Бугари, Македонци и Југословени. …“   „… The Canberra Times, Thursday 17 November 1938, page 6 -===-■ , ALIEN INFLUX Human Assortment on Italian Liner MELBOURNE, Wednesday, Only IS of the 392 passengers who |…

1928.10.13_The London Times - Macedonians murdered in Sofia, p11
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1928.10.13_The London Times – Macedonians murdered in Sofia, p11

„… MACEDONIANS MURDERED IN SOFIA. ] (from our correspondent.) SOFIA, Oct. 12. Peter Traikoff, an adherent of the late General Protogueroff in the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, and two of his companions, were attacked this evening in the centre of Sofia by partisans of Ivan Mihailoff, the new leader of the M.R.O. When attacked, Traikoff fired several shots at his assailants,…

1927.04.14_The London Times - Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1927.04.14_The London Times – Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13

„… BULGARIA AND THE MACEDONIANS. A PROPERTY DISPUTE. (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) SOFIA, April 13. The decision of tho Greco-Bulgarian Mixed Commission of Emigration to liquidate the ecclesiastical and scholastic proj>erty of the Bulgarian communities in those villages of Greek Macedonia I whence the majority of the Bulgarian population has emigrated, either voluntarily or under compulsion, to Bulgaria, has caused much…

1925.04.12_The Mansfield News - Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1925.04.12_The Mansfield News – Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group

Во статија инспирана од Македонците во Менсфилд, (САД) може да се види несомненото македонско национално чувство (1925 г). Никој ниту спомнува, ниту помислува на Срби, Бугари… „… 500 години Македонија беше под владеење на турските султани. Потоа, дојде војната и како резултат на поделбата на засегнатите земји со промена на владеењето за Македонија, каде што Александар Велики некогаш го држеше…