„…Само 15 од 392 патници кои пристигнаа денес со италијанскиот линиски брод “Viminale”, беа Британци. Останатите беа Италијанци, Албанци, Грци, германски Евреи, полски Евреи, Чеси, Бугари, Македонци и Југословени. …“
„… The Canberra Times, Thursday 17 November 1938, page 6
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Human Assortment on Italian Liner
MELBOURNE, Wednesday,
Only IS of the 392 passengers who | arrived to-day by the Italian liner, ‘ “Viminale,” were British. The re-1 mainder were Italians, Albanians, Greeks, German Jews, Polish Jews, Czechs. Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Yugoslavs. Passengers for Sydney and Brisbane totalled 206.
Some of the foreigners landed with clothes in bundles, bags and sacks.