Category: А11 Светска историја

0000- « 1997_Geoffrey Horrocks - Greek A History of the Language and its Speakers
Posted in А11.1 Слика и посока

0000- « 1997_Geoffrey Horrocks – Greek A History of the Language and its Speakers

Древните жители на јужнобалкансите хеленски градови полиси не можеле да се разбираат со древните Македонци.  

1964_Keith Brown - 'Loyal unto Death, Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia'
Posted in А11.1 Слика и посока

1964_Keith Brown – ‘Loyal unto Death, Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia’

Гоце Делчев : “…Ние ќе работиме за Македонија, ние Македонците имаме многу душмани, и треба да се бориме против сите тие. Најпрвин врховистите се наши душмани. Тие се лојални слуги на Крал Фердинанд, и иако се Македонци, не работат за Македонија, туку за него..”.

Posted in А15 Странски изјави А11.1 Слика и посока

1899_Léon Lamouche – ‘The Balkan Peninsula’, Pg. 21, 23

In Macedonia, the nationality of the Slavs, who form the great majority of the population, has been, especially since 1878, the object of passionate discussions between the Serbs and the Bulgarians who claim each for his race, the totality of these Macedonian Slavs.   За секој непристрасен набљудувач, Словените во Македонија не се Бугари и не се Срби.   Изворен…

1944_Michael Padev - 'Escape From The Balkans', London
Posted in А11.3 Само посока

1944_Michael Padev – ‘Escape From The Balkans’, London

Once we reached Macedonia, what struck us most was the ease and zest with which the Macedonian underground battled against the Bulgarian occupying authorities. We stayed there a week and not a night went by without fighting in the streets. It was the same in Bitolj, which the Bulgarian nationalists claim as ‘the most Bulgarian of all Macedonian towns.’ We…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А11.3 Само посока

1886_James G. Minchin – ‘The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula’

• Pg. 94 • The language spoken by the majority of the tillers of Macedonian soil is a Slav dialect, which is not Bulgarian… indeed the Macedonian dialect is no more Bulgarian than the Croatian dialect is Bulgarian, though Bulgarian and Croatian are both unquestionably Slav dialects. • Pg. 95 • It is true that a Macedonian rarely speaks of…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А11.3 Само посока

1915 « 1922_J. Abraham A, (Foreign Consul in Skopje) « James Abraham – ‘in My Balkan Log’, Pgs. 137, 138

The average Macedonian is neither Serb, nor Greek, nor Bulgar.