1905_Mary Durham – ‘The Burden of the Balkans

• Pg. 6 •

Poor Georgie! He spoke a Slav dialect, and was possibly a
mixture of all the races that have ever ruled the peninsula, and all
he had gained was a Mauser ball through his right hand in the
name of Alexander the Great… A song was sung during the late
Macedonian insurrection in which an eagle, who is soaring over
the land, asks what is the cause of so much excitement, and is
told that the sons of Alexander are rising.

• Pg. 60 •

The truth is that the dialect of the Macedonian Slav is neither
Servian nor Bulgarian, but ‘betwixt and between,’ as he is


A song was sung during the late Macedonian insurrection, in which an eagle, who is soaring over the land, asks what is the cause of so much excitement, and is told that the sons of Alexander are arising.


Песна беше пеена за време на последното македонско востание [веројатно се мисли на Илинденското востание од 1903 година], во која што орел, што лета над земјата, прашува која е причината поради големата возбуда и кажано е дека синовите на Александар се востануваат.