Податоци кои ја потврдуваат македонската национална самобитност.

Anastas Jankov
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Anastas Jankov

•  1902  • Macedonians! Remember the world’s winner, the great glory of Macedonia, the great Alexander of Macedon; remember for the brave King Samoil, the Macedonian giant, for the marvelous Marko Kral, the Slavic glory, that Macedonian blood flowed through them; those of heavenly heights watch and bless our initiated work. To show worthy descendants of their descendants: to preserve…

1930.06.28_Henri Barbusse, Monde No. 108, Pg. 2
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1930.06.28_Henri Barbusse, Monde No. 108, Pg. 2

The Macedonians, who have their own separate language and indisputable ethnic originality, do not have the right to be called Macedonians.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1928.05_Henry Baerlein – ‘What is happening in Macedonia – Fortnightly Review’, 123, Pgs. 624-632

It happens that Macedonians who come to Bulgaria continue to call themselves Macedonians … In Bulgaria, whether they are descended from a Macedonian who travelled eastward in 1878, or whether they are quite recent emigrants, they call themselves Macedonians. p.627

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Constantine Stephanove, San Francisco Chronicle, Pg. (1901.07.08)

I am proud to be known as a Greek, but in truth I am not one. I am a Macedonian

-Ilinden Organization (1924)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-Ilinden Organization (1924)

Let them once and for all understand that Bulgarian state nationalism, for which they want to frequently be praised, from 1890 to the present, and Macedonian patriotism are two different things, and not only do they have nothing in common, but they are in direct confrontation with one another. Therefore, all the actions of the Bulgarian government, directed against the…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Dimitri Stefanov (1925.01)

I am a Macedonian Nationalist and I love my mother intensely. It was only to serve her that I executed this renegade am glad I was chosen to sacrifice myself.

1926.04-05_Oliver C. Harvey
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926.04-05_Oliver C. Harvey

The Slavophone population of Serbian Macedonia definitely regard themselves as distinct from the Serbs. If asked their nationality they say that they are Macedonians, and they speak the Macedonian dialect. • • • The inhabitants here [Aegean Macedonia] are no more than the Macedonians of Serbia – they speak Macedonian they call themselves Macedonians.  

1921_Isaiah Bowman - 'Constantinople and the Balkans, What Really Happened at  Paris', Pg. 170
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1921_Isaiah Bowman – ‘Constantinople and the Balkans, What Really Happened at Paris’, Pg. 170

Neither Greece nor Serbia is expected to give up Macedonian territory for a possible future Macedonia. … It is therefore improbable that the Macedonian question will be revived except through the possible cruelties of Greeks and Serbs in their treatment of the Macedonians.

Јане Сандански
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Yane Sandanski

• 1904 • We do not want a Bulgarian Macedonia, but rather a Macedonia for the Macedonians, a Macedonia that is free from tyranny.   • 1912 • I will drink to a free and autonomous Macedonia, for which the united Balkan nations fought and suffered so much. • 1908_L’Italia all’Estro • Macedonians will free Macedonia without the interference of…

Nikola Pushkarov (1919)
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

Nikola Pushkarov (1919)

You, Macedonian, do not listen to them because their words are deceptions. The Balkan monarchies know very well the price of your land. They are not fighting for your wellbeing or for your freedom; instead, they are fighting for the wealth of your land and your enslavement. … Stand under the flag of autonomy because only under this flag will…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А17.3 ДМК Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1906.11.27_St. Louis Post – Dispatch, Pg. 2

The Macedonians and the Hellenes, or native Greeks, engage in constant reprisals which sometimes amount to border warfare.

Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922_Edmond Bouchie de Belle – ‘La Macedoine et les Macedoniens’, 80, IV, 303, Paris

In the district of Ostrovo/Bitola, nine times out of ten these people, despite being the subject of dispute by three adjoining countries – Serbia, Bulgarian and Greece – would reply in response to the question as to their nationality that they were Macedonians. „… Во подрачјето на Острво/Битола девет од десет од овие луѓе кои и покрај што биле предмет…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1869_Saint Paul, Volume 2, Pg. 111

Gloomy and grave, the Macedonian peasant has none of the braggadocio and trifling spirit of the Hellenic peasant. The women, beautiful and chaste, work in the fields like the men…They are a good, strong race, laborious, sedentary, loving their country, and full of promise for their future.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1926.04_R.A. Gallop – ‘Conditions in Macedonia’

• 1926.04.19 • The Macedonian Slavs considered and called themselves ‘Makedonci’. • 1926.04.26 • Those people whom I had met were insistent on calling themselves neither Serbs nor Bulgars, but Macedonians. There seemed to be no love lost for the Bulgarians.

Goce Delchev
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Goce Delchev

While my shoulder carries a gun, Macedonia is beyond the reach of the Bulgarian officer.   • • • We Macedonians have many enemies, and must combat them all, wherever they come from. In the first place the External Committee are our enemies. They are loyal servants of King Ferdinand, and even though they are Macedonians, do not work for…