Податоци кои ја потврдуваат македонската национална самобитност.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1903_Hrvatska misao, Volume 3

• Pg. 517 • I have talked a lot with Macedonians in Serbia, in Bulgaria and in the Diaspora, where there is the largest number. Many times I asked them what they are, Serb or Bulgar, where I got a large variety of answers […] Sometimes I would hear a Macedonian speaking Serbian saying ‘I am Bulgarian’ and vice versa….

Nikola Petrev Rusinski (1901)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Nikola Petrev Rusinski (1901)

Macedonia is the common homeland of all those who live here.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1871_Petar Dragasevic

Macedonians are the oldest Slavs on this Illyrian peninsula, and possibly in Europe. • 1871 • Today, the Macedonians occupy almost the whole coast of the White Sea; in the east they mix with the Bulgarians from Thrace, to the west with the Albanians of Albania and Epirus, and in the north with Serbia in the borderlands of the Shar…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1906_Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World

Whereas, there are wage slaves of Macedonian descent in goodly numbers throughout Canada…Resolved: That the organization of the IWW takes steps as soon as possible to provide literature in the Macedonian language.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1905_Bogirade Tatarchev – ‘Turkish Misrule in Macedonia, The Balkan Question’, Pgs. 173, 174

There are over 200,000 Macedonians in Bulgaria, who would return at once to their own country were it under a better government, and they would make Macedonia prosperous and rich.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Boris Sarafov

•  ‘The Macedonian Agitation’ (1901) • We young people have therefore been endeavoring for some years past to separate the Macedonian cause from Bulgarian domestic politics. If the rulers of the Principality now declare that they cannot tolerate us as a State within the State, it shows that we have at least succeeded in emancipating ourselves from the pernicious influence…

Petar Draganov (1900)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Petar Draganov (1900)

Should the Russians be happy or sad because in Macedonia the indigenous population, who call themselves Macedonians by the old name, are raising their voices? According to our personal opinion it would be just to give at least moral support to this numerous tribe that speaks a separate Slavic dialect and has its own history, not less interesting than the…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1878.11.02_Acting Consul Barker

He declares that the insurgents, calling themselves ‘Macedonians’, demanded a large sum of money from him for his parishioners, and offered to give a receipt, saying the money will be repaid when they came into possession of their country, ‘Macedonia’.

1911_Василъ Кѫнчовъ – ‘Орохидрография на Македония’, Пловдивъ
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1911_Vasil Kanchov – ‘Orohidrography of Macedonia’, Plovdiv

Bulgarians and Kutsovlachs call themselves Macedonians and the surrounding nations call them Macedonians.

1892.04.29_Грчки весник 'Неологос', Цариград (за списание 'ЛОЗА')
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

‘Loza’ (1892)

Only a strong resistance on our side can save us from other people’s upheavals. … We need to unite, to unite the forces in one power – a people’s power, if we want to preserve the future of our homeland. It should be the aspiration of every Macedonian, wherever he may be.

Dimitar Rizov (1912)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Dimitar Rizov (1912)

Our people were only ‘Macedonian Christians,’ and then, when Greek propaganda developed they became ‘Macedonian Christian Slavs’. It was all the same to us which Christian country would help us to free ourselves from the Turks. I was born in Bitola. There were several grammar-schools in Bitola: Turkish, Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian. It was all the same to us, the…

1929_House of Commons Papers, Volume 12, Pg. 368
Posted in А8.3 Само посока А15 Странски изјави

1929_House of Commons Papers, Volume 12, Pg. 368

Since then Greece and Bulgaria have recognized Macedonian minorities, and Yugo-Slavia has protested that there are no Macedonians. No attempt was made to settle the Balkan States in accordance with race.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1903.06.05_Sir N. O’Conor

This was the full extent of the proposals he had made so far, though he hoped later on to add a few more, such as that some, at least, of the Judges and administrative officials should be chosen from the Macedonians who had graduated with distinction at a Bulgarian University, and who, although residing within the Principality, were at heart…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

C. Nedelkoff – ‘An Appeal from a Macedonian, Our Day’, Vol. 22, No. 9 (1903.09)

The Macedonian Committee is not an organization of irresponsible adventurers or ex-brigands, but represents the intelligence and patriotism of Young Macedonia. It is led by educated, earnest young men who have fled from Turkish persecution into Greece, Servia, Roumania and Bulgaria to fight for liberty of the fatherland, Macedonia.

1944_Captain P.H. Evans
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1944_Captain P.H. Evans

• 1944 • It is also important to emphasize that the inhabitants, just as they are not Greeks, are also not Bulgarians or Serbs or Croats. They are Macedonians…The Greeks always call them Bulgars and damn them accordingly…If they were Bulgars, how is it that while they are spread over parts of four countries, one of which is Bulgaria, they…