Податоци кои ја потврдуваат македонската национална самобитност.

Gjorche Petrov
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Gjorche Petrov

• 1905 • We should be wary of any direct or indirect attempts by any government to become involved in our affairs as much because of the danger of a bad interpretation from outside as from the point of view of our ideology. We should be deliberately careful and wary in our relations with official Bulgaria because it is a…

Dimitar Blagoev (1916)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Dimitar Blagoev (1916)

I am not a Bulgarian, I am a Macedonian, a Macedonian Slav.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1903_George F. Abbott – ‘The Tale of a Tour in Macedonia’

• Pg. 80 • A Macedonian Slav is equally intelligible, or unintelligible, to the Servian and to the Bulgarian. • Pg. 278 • In their proclamations the leaders of the Slavo-Macedonian Committee appeal to Alexander the Great as a national hero.

1944_Michael Padev - 'Escape From The Balkans', London
Posted in А11.3 Само посока

1944_Michael Padev – ‘Escape From The Balkans’, London

Once we reached Macedonia, what struck us most was the ease and zest with which the Macedonian underground battled against the Bulgarian occupying authorities. We stayed there a week and not a night went by without fighting in the streets. It was the same in Bitolj, which the Bulgarian nationalists claim as ‘the most Bulgarian of all Macedonian towns.’ We…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919.11.10_The News Letter: Atlantic Division, American Red Cross, Vol. 11, No. 43, Pg. 6

The civilian population of Salonica is made up largely of Spanish Jews, Macedonians, Gypsies, Greeks, Turks and Dummies (Jews of Mahommedan faith).

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-VMRO “May Manifesto” (1924)

Macedonia today is again enslaved and divided among the three Balkan states: Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

‘Makedonsko Delo’, Pg. 8 (1935.02)

We, the undersigned Macedonians, from the bottom of our hearts wish that the complaints of our brothers in northern Epirus may be remedied, since the Macedonians are in the same situation under the bondage of the Greek authorities. We demand the freedom to speak freely in our Macedonian tongue, to open our own schools so that our children will be…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1879_James Baker, Turkey, Pg. 241

Stephen Douchan, ruled victoriously from Belgrade to the Maritza, from the Black Sea to the Adriatic, and assumed the title of ‘Emperor of the Roumelians, the Macedonian Christ- loving Czar.’

1923-1924_Colonel A.C. Corfe
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1923-1924_Colonel A.C. Corfe

• 1923 • ‘They want to force us to become Greeks, in language, in religion, in sentiment, in every way. We have served in the Greek army and we have fought for them: now they insult us by calling us ‘damned Bulgars’ … To my question, ‘What do you want, an autonomous Macedonia or a Macedonia under Bulgaria?’, the answer…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1522_Felix Petancic – ‘De itineribus in Turciam libellus’

Skopje is located on the border where Dardania ends and Macedonia begins … and the bridge at the Struma River constitute a border between Macedonians and the Tribalis or Bulgarians.

Petar Poparsov (1890+)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Petar Poparsov (1890+)

Everyone from outside this country who will give us our freedom, will then take our land [Macedonia] from us.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1899_Karl Hron

Through my own studies…I came to the conclusion that Macedonians are a separate nation by its history as well as by its own language.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1914.05.05_Harrisburg Telegraph, Pg. 7

In English, Slavish and Macedonian languages that fact will be proclaimed throughout Steelton today.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919_’The Story of the Great War’, Pgs. 251, 252

For long years past the Macedonians have strived for an independent Macedonia, but this was made impossible by the policies of the great powers interested. They were, however, on the verge of achieving this ideal after the First Balkan War, when the interference of Austria in Albania caused Serbia and Greece to demand a revision of the treaty which had…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А9.3 Само посока

1890.07.21_San Francisco Call

The Christians, a herd of Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians, with the most villainous faces, morals and manners imaginable, have to be ruled with a tight hand in order to be kept from strangling one another.