Грчка книга во прилог на нацистичката иделогија посветена на градење на грчка пронацистичка младина.
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Metaxas’s Minister-Governor of Athens, Kostas Kotzias, contributed to a German publication of the year 1938, entitled Unsterbliches Hellas (Immortal Greece), with an article titled “Die griechische Jugend durch die Jahrhunderte” (The Greek Youth through the Centuries).
The book was a high-flying effort. Prefaces to the book were written by Alexander Rizos-Rangavis, Greek ambassador in Berlin, and Alfred Rosenberg, one of the renown intellectuals of the Nazi party and the Kommissar for Supervision of Intellectual and Ideological Education of the NSDAP. Metaxas himself dedicated one of his portraits writing “Für das Buch `Unsterbliches Hellas’.
Посочил: Проект Метаксас