1903.02.28_The New York Times – Ferdinand against Macedonians

1903.02.28_The New York Times - Ferdinand against Macedonians

И во овој напис се зборува за бугарското делување против македонската национална борба. Во оваа статија се истакнува дека делувањето на бугарскиот цар Фердинанд против македонските комитети го довело во опасност. Така што големите сили Русија и Австро-Унгарија, морало да излезат со соопштенија за поддршка, за да ги сочуваат неговата безбедност и неговиот образ.


His Chances of Escape from Assassina-
tioɪvlnereased by the Russian Com-
munique Regarding. Macedonia.
London Times—New York Times
Special Cablegram.
LONDON, Feb. 28.—The Vienna corre-
spondent of The Times says the effect of
the promised Macedonian reforms and of
the Russian communique is awaited with
confidence in the Austrian capital, espe-
cially as the latter document is calcu-
lated to ** save the face ” of Prince Fer-
dinand of Bulgaria and to exculpate him
in the eyes of his subjects from the
charge of treason to the national cause
by revealing the pressure that was put
on him.
Prince Ferdinand’s personal safety,
says the correspondent, has throughout
been an important question, as, in forc-
ing him to proceed against the Macedo-
nian committees, Austria-Hungary and
Russia incurred the risk of the compli-
cations which must have ensued had an !
untoward occurrence removed Prince i
Ferdinand from the scene of action. |
Probably, . adds the correspondent,
Prince Ferdinand has been astute
enough to impress the powers with a
sense of his predicament and to lay the
foundation of future reward by his pres-
ent good conduct.
A dispatch from Sofia to The Times
says that Prince Ferdinand has left that
city for Euxinograd, near Varna. It is
stated that he will soon proceed to Men-
tone, w’here his mother. Princess Clemen-
tine of Saxe-Coburg, ɪs residing.

Published: February 28, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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