1903.03.24_The New York Times – Captured on Macedonian frontier

1903.03.24_The New York Times - Captured on Macedonian frontier

Од повеќе новинарски извештаи може да се заклучи дека за време на турското владеење бугарската власт не само што не ги помагала македонските револуционери, туку многу често ги ловела, во некои случаи и ги предавала на турската власт.


„… Captured on Macedonian Frontier.
London Times—New York Times `
Special Cableerank
LONDON, March 24.—According to af
telegram from Rilo Monastery, says the
Sofia correspondent of The Times, a con-
flict has occurred between Bulgarian
gendarmes and a revolutionary band
! which was attempting to cross the froxi-
1 tier into Turkey. Fifteen armed men
were captured. x

Published: March 24, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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