Податоци кои ја потврдуваат македонската национална самобитност.

0000-_Roman and Byzantine sources
Posted in А12.1 Слика и посока

0000-_Roman and Byzantine sources

Roman and Byzantine sources confirm Macedonians existence during their reign and got fully slavicized in Byzant. The same sources inform that there were no Hellens in the late antiquity as were outnumbered & assimilated by Thracian&African slaves so called Romeoi later slavicized

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-Macedonian Provisional Government (1881.03.23)

Our dear Macedonia, our dear homeland is calling: You, who are my faithful children; you, who like Aristotle and Alexander the Great, are my heirs; you, in whose veins Macedonian blood flows, do not leave me to die, help me. What a sad sight, real Macedonians, it would be if you were to witness my burial.

Димитрија Чуповски
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Dimitrija Chupovski (1913)

During the whole 30 years of its existence as a state, Bulgaria has carried out an anti-Macedonian policy. Flattering and attracting the Macedonians to its side, at the same time it persecuted them with ferocity and hatred and strove to destroy in them any idea of an autonomous Macedonia; while doing so, the Bulgarians did not shrink from using any…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

-VMRO (United), (1935)

The Greeks call us ‘Slavophone Greeks’ and the Serbs ‘true Serbs’. Why? So as to justify their rule and their oppressive aspirations toward Macedonia. The Bulgarian chauvinists act in the same way. They exploit the relationship between the Macedonians and the Bulgarians and characterize us as an ‘indivisible section of the Bulgarian nation.’ The Bulgarian imperialists have always aspired to…

Dimitar Vlahov (1934.11)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Dimitar Vlahov (1934.11)

The overwhelming majority of the Macedonian people is convinced that its freedom can only be won in mass action in concert with the other victims of oppression and exploitation in Yugoslavia, Greece, and Bulgaria, the three countries which oppress Macedonia, and with the victims of exploitation and oppression all over the world. The masses in Macedonia are therefore rallying more…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1924.03_Balkan Communist Federation

A section of the Macedonian emigrants has been made use of by the Bulgarian counter-revolutionary movement, to repress the revolt of the Bulgarian workers and peasants. The conduct of the duped Macedonians, who, in the guise of Macedonian revolutionaries, became the mercenaries of the Bulgarian bourgeoisie and the executioners of the Bulgarian working people, is a deliberate attack against the…

Коста Шахов (1888.11.11)
Posted in А14 Родољубни изјави

Kosta Shahov

•  •  • But don’t you believe for one minute that the revolutionaries are working towards an autonomous Macedonia that would, in the end, be incorporated into Bulgaria. God Forbid! That will never be…All of us Macedonians, no matter where we are, no matter how educated we are, none will allow Macedonia to be incorporated into any other…Instead, we will…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1934_Emil Lengyel

Who are the Macedonians? Yugoslavia claims they are Serbs; Greeks claim they are Greeks who speak Bulgarian and call them ‘Vulgarophones’; Bulgarians hold they are Bulgarians, and most of the Macedonians assert that they are Macedonians.

1920.11_Arthur Bullard - 'The Sore Spot of Europe'
Posted in А9.1 Слика и посока

1920.11_Arthur Bullard – ‘The Sore Spot of Europe’

In the central stretches of the Balkans, Macedonia, the people spoke practically the same Slavic dialect, but did not line up sharply with either of the rival nationalities.   A struggle to control Macedonia set in, which was one of the saddest pages in church history. Serb, Greek, Bulgar, prelates, school teachers, bandits, set out to make Macedonians join their…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1941.12_Proclamation of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party

Macedonians! Today, as before, you have no political or cultural freedom. While the Serbian officials did not allow you to call yourselves Macedonians and persecuted those who disobeyed, now the Bulgarian fascists and chauvinists force you to call yourselves Macedonian Bulgarians, also persecuting those who say they are Macedonians. They represent your leaders and fighters from the past, such as…

1906_H.N. Brailsford - ’Macedonia - Its Races and Their Future‘, p96
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1906_H.N. Brailsford – ‘Macedonia; Its Races and Their Future’

• Pgs. 18-19 • The layman was an ardent Macedonian nationalist, rather distrustful of Bulgaria, and profoundly hostile to Russia. The description was good and accurate.   • Pg. 80 • Macedonia which revolts, which claims to be a unity and asks for autonomy—there are neither Greeks nor Turks.   • Pg. 96 • Under the third Tsar, Samuel, the…

Posted in А12.3 Само посока А17.1 ДМК Слика посока А15 Странски изјави

1905_Mary Durham – ‘The Burden of the Balkans

• Pg. 6 • Poor Georgie! He spoke a Slav dialect, and was possibly a mixture of all the races that have ever ruled the peninsula, and all he had gained was a Mauser ball through his right hand in the name of Alexander the Great… A song was sung during the late Macedonian insurrection in which an eagle, who…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922_Aleksandar Stamboliyski, Bulgarian Prime Minister

Who thinks about Macedonia? We Bulgarians do not talk about Macedonia, but others speak and think about it – they are the Macedonians themselves … Do not forget that Macedonians really are like the ‘Slavic Irish’ – in them the national consciousness is strongly developed and so that is how their fighters are born.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922_Ferdinand Schevill – ‘The History of the Balkan Peninsula’, Pg. 422.

These Slavs may properly be considered as a special Macedonian group, but since they were closely related to both Bulgars and Serbs and had, moreover, in the past been usually incorporated in either the Bulgar or Serb state, they inevitably became the object of both Bulgar and Serb aspirations and an apple of bitter discord between these rival nationalities. As…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919.07.29_L’Action Francaise

Because Macedonia is the reason for many troubles between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia, why wouldn’t we create an independent Macedonia? After all, the Macedonians do not recognize any nationality except Macedonian.