Оддел: А12 Светска книжевност
Докази за македонската самобитност од светската книжевност.
1900_Ефрон и Брокхауз – “Енциклопедиски Словар”
Според познатата „Ефрон и Брокхауз“ Енциклопедија, јазикот што се нарекува бугарски според своите одлики е обележан како – источен јужнословенски. А пак, МАКЕДОНСКИОТ ЈАЗИК е сместен во западната јужнословенска група јазици, заедно со „српско-хрватско-словенечкиот“ јазик. Подоцна науката утврди дека, всушност, МАКЕДОНСКИОТ ЈАЗИК е поблизок до бугарскиот, иако се работи за 2 посебни јазика.
1433_Bertrandon de la Brocquiere- “Le Voyage d’Outremer – Recueil de voyages et de dokumentes pour sevir á l`Historie de la géographie”, p.200
„Филипополис кој тука е најголемиот Македонски центар“ запишал Bertrand de la Brocquiere вo 1433 г. за денешен „Пловдив“ во денешна „Вулгарија“ “Le Voyage d’Outremer – Recueil de voyages et de dokumentes pour sevir á l`Historie de la géographie” , by Bertrandon de la Brocquiere, 1433. p. 200 https://archive.org/stream/levoyagedoutreme00labruoft…
1541_Eurepae Tabula – Decima Continent Macedoniam
Македонски континент.
0000-_Roman and Byzantine sources
Roman and Byzantine sources confirm Macedonians existence during their reign and got fully slavicized in Byzant. The same sources inform that there were no Hellens in the late antiquity as were outnumbered & assimilated by Thracian&African slaves so called Romeoi later slavicized
1905_Mary Durham – ‘The Burden of the Balkans
• Pg. 6 • Poor Georgie! He spoke a Slav dialect, and was possibly a mixture of all the races that have ever ruled the peninsula, and all he had gained was a Mauser ball through his right hand in the name of Alexander the Great… A song was sung during the late Macedonian insurrection in which an eagle, who…
1925_Dudley Heathcote – ‘My Wanderings in the Balkans’
Alexandroff also stated that, if only his demands were granted, the Macedonians would lay down their arms and recognize the Serbian Kingdom, subject, of course, to it being reconstructed as a Federal State in which Macedonia would enter on equal rights with the other members of the Yugoslav Federation.
1903_Gaston-Routier – ‘La Macedoine et la question Macédonienne’, Paris
Macedonia will be independent and the Macedonians will remain Macedonians…What the Macedonians want is autonomy for their country, with the intervention of Europe in their favor. No division, no annexation to another state; Macedonia is unique and to the Macedonians. Who can oppose the creation of an autonomous Macedonia? … Greeks have large claims, it is clear, but after the…
1920_Douglas Walshe – ‘With the Serbs in Macedonia’ Pg. 188
Language difficulties never daunt a British Tommy, not even modern Greek or Macedonski. … He is picturesque and peaceable, he works hard in his fields, and in a large number of cases speaks ‘Macedonski’, which the Serbs call Serbian and the Bulgars Bulgarian, and knows no Turkish, and very little Greek. Посочил: Macedonia History Извор: Archive.org
1500+ « 1958_Ciro Giannelli – ‘Un lexique Macedonien du XVI siecle’
Macedonian Language – 16th Century! Macedonian Language We are proud to present the following historical source to our readers, a priceless document accompanied with analysis that shows how little the Macedonian langauge and vernacular has changed since the Middle Ages. Macedonian Lexicon – 16th Century Record of the Macedonian language The texts presented for analysis in this article were produced…
1516_H. Bebelius, p168
Турци, Македонци, Ромеи…
1904_Sir Thomas Comyn-Platt – “The Turk in the Balkans”, (London)
„… Македонската политика може да се собере во еден збор „пропаганда“. По целата должина и широчина на земјата, нема селанец кој не е предмет на пропагандно влијание – влијание кое ја пронижува целата земја, север, југ, исток и запад и е причина за горчлива омраза помеѓу разни националности кои денес постојат. Да се испита подлабоко во состојбата на нештата, мора…