1903.02.25_The New York Times – Sultan must comply

1903.02.25_The New York Times - Sultan must comply

Во многу новинарски статии се известува за злосторствата на албански банди, врз христијанското население во Македонија, за време на Османлиското Царство.

„… Препораката дека Османлиската Влада треба без одлагање да најде средства, за да ги принуди Албанците да ги почитуваат законите, веројатно предизвика исмевање во Yildiz Kiosk (Султановата резиденција н.з.). …“


Powers Concerned in the Berlin Treaty
Insist on Better Government in
London Times—New York Times
Special Cablegram.
LONDON, Feb. 25.—The Times’s Paris
correspondent says that provision has
been made in case of the Sultan’s pro-
crastination in carrying out the scheme
of reforms in Macedonia, and that ar-
rangements will probably be made with
a view of ascertaining beyond a doubt
whether or not the administrative im-
provements agreed upon are actually
carried out.
The possibility of the Sultan evading
his pledges is precluded, and he finds
himself in the presence of a situation
that leaves no alternative but compli-
ance. All of the great powers concerned
in the Berlin treaty are insisting with
equal earnestness upon better govern-
ment in Macedonia.
The Times’s Sofia correspondent says
that the Macedonian reform scheme may
be regarded as embodying the maximum
that the Sultan would accept and the
minimum that the powers could propose
without rendering the reforms altogether
illusory. The main defect in the scheme
is the absence of any arrangement to
enable the powers to exercise even an
indirect control over the administration
of the three vilayets.
The recommendation that the Otto-
man Government should without delay
find means of compelling the Albanians
to respect the laws probably provoked
hilarity in the Yildiz Kiosk.

Published: February 25, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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