1854_C.D. Yonge – ‘Deipnosophists‘ (literally translated), London

1854_C.D. Yonge - 'Deipnosophists‘ (literally translated), London

Исечокот зборува дека древните писатели и поети и тоа кои настојувале дека користат чист грчки јазик се користеле со персиски именки, но исто така подражавале ‘македонски изрази’.


„… I use the language of the natives habitually;
for among the ancient poets, and among those prose writers
who pique themselves on the purity of their Greek, you may
find some Persian nouns, because of their having got into a
habit of using them in conversation. As for instance, one
finds mention made of parasangs, and astandoe, and angari
(couriers), and a schoenus or perch, which last word is used
either as a masculine or feminine noun, and it is a measure on
the road, which retains even to this day that Persian name
with many people. I know, too, that many of the Attic
writers affect to imitate Macedonian expressions, on account
of the great intercourse that there was between Attica and
Macedonia. …“

1854_C.D. Yonge - 'Deipnosophists‘ (literally translated), London

Посочилa: DragonGirl

Извор: The Deipnosophists volume I