1896.01.24_The Democrat, Smeth Port PA – An appeal to the czar

1896.01.24_The Democrat, Smeth Port PA - An appeal to the czar

Повик до рускиот цар за како што им помогнал на Бугарите, кои без руската помош сѐ уште ќе биле под турско дивјаштво, исто така да им се помогнел на Македонците и Ерменците, кои сѐ уште не се слободни како Бугарите. Што не било rуска туку е по aнглиска вина.

„… Бугарите сѐ уште би биле жртви на турското дивјаштво; и тоа не е руска вина туку англиска, дека Македонците и Ерменците не се напреднати и слободни како Бугарите 

Let us appeal to the White Czar, in the name of our ancient friendship and in the cɑuse of outraged Christendom, to play the part of redeemer and deliverer.’He has both the power and the will. For months he haa had an army cantoned on the edge of the Ottoman frontier; let him give the word, and in a week his legions will have occupied the region in which American missionaries and the remnant of Armenian Christians stand exposed to extirpation. From what Russia has done for Christians in the past, we can judge what she would be glad to do in a yet more barrowing emergency. But for her the Bulgarians would be still the victims of Turkish savagery; and it is not Russia’s fault, but England’s, that the Macedonians and the Armenians are not to day аs prosperous and free as the Bulgarians, — New York Sun. …