1912.12.01_The New York Times – Greeks torture Jews

1912.12.01_The New York Times - Greeks torture Jews

Ниту за прв ниту за последен пат ксенофобични грчки малтретирања врз негрчко население во случајот врз Евреи 1912 година.

Berlin Gets Stories of Maltreatment
of Jews in Macedonia. –
Special Cable to Twa New YORK TlMES^^
BERLIN,. Nov. 30.—The Centraljew^
ish Relief League of Germ any,; which
acts for American Jews- -in,
and Oriental
eeivtng circumstantialraccbuhts^fl^j^
maltreatment-of ’

The New York Times
Published: December 1, 1912
Copyright © The New York Times
r – ——————–ɪɪ———– —
j ink Greek soldiers af Salonika and
r’otlier points in European Turkey.
./Robbery, pillage, * and worse seems
.>-40 have occurred at many points to a
< degree which recalls the horrors of
//ɪiishineff, and fears are expressed in
ʧ: prominent German Jewish circles that
ʃ. tfie regime of the Greek Catholic
:ʌChurch in the conquered provinces may
‘-. not be as pleasant even as under the
t’ Moslems.

The New York Times
Published: December 1, 1912
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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