1927.04.14_The London Times – Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13

1927.04.14_The London Times - Bulgaria and the Macedonians, p13

SOFIA, April 13.
The decision of tho Greco-Bulgarian Mixed Commission of Emigration to liquidate the ecclesiastical and scholastic proj>erty of the Bulgarian communities in those villages of Greek Macedonia I whence the majority of the Bulgarian population has emigrated, either voluntarily or under compulsion, to Bulgaria, has caused much concern among the Macedonian emigrants, who regard their schools, churches and cemeteries in Macedonia as sacred and inalienable property.
The Macedonian group in the Sobranye interpellated M. BourofT, the Foreign Minister, on the subject. The latter replied that the maintenance of tho scholastic and ecclesiastical buildings of the Bulgarian com-I munities after most of the members of those communities bad departed was sentimental nonsense, whereas their liquidation would furnish material resources to the refugees and would clear the ground for a Greco-Bulgarian rapprochement by the settlement of all outstanding questions.
M. BourufFs declaration aggravated the discontent of the Macedonians, whose National Committee asked for an interview with M. LiaptehcH. the Prime Minister, in order to protest- against the Foreign Minister’s attitude. A detailed statement was drawn up pointing out that the Greco-Bulgarian voluntary emigration convention signed as an annexe to the Treaty of Neuilly assumed no obligation to proceed to the liquidation of Bulgarian churches, cemeteries and schools in Macedonia. M. Liaptcheff received the members of the National Committee, and informed them that be was in absolute agreement with M. Bouroff in tho matter, and explained that the Bulgarian Government was merely the intermediary’ between the Commission and the Macedonian emigrants.
Excited by this reply, the Macedonian Committee issued a communiqué to the Press warning the Government and public opinion that they would fight with all legal means against the proposed liquidation. As a first step they intend to convoke in all the largo towns meetings of protest, but the Government has already prohibited these. A serious conilict may arise, the significance of whic h is deepened by’ the fact that it will occur on tho eve of the General Election.