Оддел: А15 Странски изјави

Expressions of foreign celebrities in favor of Macedonian ethnogenesis.

-0200-_Quito Historian
Posted in А17.3 ДМК Само посока А20.3 Само посока А15 Странски изјави

-0200-_Quito Historian

Античките Македонци никогаш не биле Грци и не биле дел од грчките племиња. За тоа постојат многу докази и факти. Во устите на Хелените: -„Кога ќе се рече Македонец, треба да се разбере варварин, кој не говори и кој не мисли грчки.“ – In the mouths of Hellenes: -“When you say Macedonian, you have to understand a barbarian who doesn’t…

1900_Петербуршки ведомости, бр.315
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1900_Петербуршки ведомости, бр.315

Склучувањето на Санстефанскиот договор беше голема грешка од руска страна. Зашто тој Договор правеше од Македонија чисто бугарска земја. Таа е словенска, но не и бугарска.

2020.01.20_Зузана Тополињска
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

2020.01.20_Зузана Тополињска

Мене лично многупати директно некако ми го искомпликува животот односот на Бугарите со фактот дека јас се занимавам со македонистика и го истражувам македонскиот јазик. И од тука ми дојдоа некои асоцијации како изгледале тие бугарски интервенции од самиот почеток, откога почнав да се занимавам со македонистиката. Мислам дека овие случки кажуваат многу, а мојот заклучок е дека пред сè…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1924.03_Balkan Communist Federation

A section of the Macedonian emigrants has been made use of by the Bulgarian counter-revolutionary movement, to repress the revolt of the Bulgarian workers and peasants. The conduct of the duped Macedonians, who, in the guise of Macedonian revolutionaries, became the mercenaries of the Bulgarian bourgeoisie and the executioners of the Bulgarian working people, is a deliberate attack against the…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1934_Emil Lengyel

Who are the Macedonians? Yugoslavia claims they are Serbs; Greeks claim they are Greeks who speak Bulgarian and call them ‘Vulgarophones’; Bulgarians hold they are Bulgarians, and most of the Macedonians assert that they are Macedonians.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1941.12_Proclamation of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party

Macedonians! Today, as before, you have no political or cultural freedom. While the Serbian officials did not allow you to call yourselves Macedonians and persecuted those who disobeyed, now the Bulgarian fascists and chauvinists force you to call yourselves Macedonian Bulgarians, also persecuting those who say they are Macedonians. They represent your leaders and fighters from the past, such as…

1906_H.N. Brailsford - ’Macedonia - Its Races and Their Future‘, p96
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1906_H.N. Brailsford – ‘Macedonia; Its Races and Their Future’

• Pgs. 18-19 • The layman was an ardent Macedonian nationalist, rather distrustful of Bulgaria, and profoundly hostile to Russia. The description was good and accurate.   • Pg. 80 • Macedonia which revolts, which claims to be a unity and asks for autonomy—there are neither Greeks nor Turks.   • Pg. 96 • Under the third Tsar, Samuel, the…

Posted in А12.3 Само посока А17.1 ДМК Слика посока А15 Странски изјави

1905_Mary Durham – ‘The Burden of the Balkans

• Pg. 6 • Poor Georgie! He spoke a Slav dialect, and was possibly a mixture of all the races that have ever ruled the peninsula, and all he had gained was a Mauser ball through his right hand in the name of Alexander the Great… A song was sung during the late Macedonian insurrection in which an eagle, who…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922_Aleksandar Stamboliyski, Bulgarian Prime Minister

Who thinks about Macedonia? We Bulgarians do not talk about Macedonia, but others speak and think about it – they are the Macedonians themselves … Do not forget that Macedonians really are like the ‘Slavic Irish’ – in them the national consciousness is strongly developed and so that is how their fighters are born.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1922_Ferdinand Schevill – ‘The History of the Balkan Peninsula’, Pg. 422.

These Slavs may properly be considered as a special Macedonian group, but since they were closely related to both Bulgars and Serbs and had, moreover, in the past been usually incorporated in either the Bulgar or Serb state, they inevitably became the object of both Bulgar and Serb aspirations and an apple of bitter discord between these rival nationalities. As…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1919.07.29_L’Action Francaise

Because Macedonia is the reason for many troubles between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia, why wouldn’t we create an independent Macedonia? After all, the Macedonians do not recognize any nationality except Macedonian.

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1901_Les Reforms

The salvation of the Balkan peoples is in the autonomy of Macedonia. Macedonians want this autonomy because they see it as a solid guarantee for the peace, tranquility and fraternal life of the inhabitants of the Balkans. A shared Macedonia would be the source of countless misfortunes, an autonomous Macedonia would be a hotbed of civilization, the rendezvous of the…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1931_Gerhard Christoph

‘What language do you speak?’ I asked the peasant… ‘I am a Macedonian,’ he replies, ‘you know, the Serbs maintain that our language is a Serbian dialect, the Bulgarians say that we speak Bulgarian. What can you do about it?’

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1885.01.09_The Pall Mall Budget, Pg. 26

We wonder how many Macedonians — real Macedonians — attended the so-called Macedonian meeting recently held in opposition to the cause of Macedonian emancipation in Athens. Possibly one, probably none…But all the distinguished phil- Hellenists in the world, backed by all the pseudo-Macedonians in Greece, cannot get over the fact that Macedonia is in a frightful state of disorder and…

Вероучение - Поука 03
Posted in А15 Странски изјави

1938_Andre Vaillant – ‘The Problem of the Macedonian Slav’, Bulletein of the Linguistic Society of Paris, Vol. 39, 2 (No. 116), Pg. 195

The concept of ‘Macedonian Slavic’ is confusing only for those who want it to be. Macedonian Slavic is to such an extent a reality that there existed in the nineteenth century a Macedonian literary language, the language of a quite limited scholarly literature but of a voluminous popular literature; and one is not dealing here with documents of folklore such…