1925.04.12_The Mansfield News – Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group

1925.04.12_The Mansfield News - Not once but a 1000 times better is America to Macedonian group

Во статија инспирана од Македонците во Менсфилд, (САД) може да се види несомненото македонско национално чувство (1925 г). Никој ниту спомнува, ниту помислува на Срби, Бугари…

„… 500 години Македонија беше под владеење на турските султани. Потоа, дојде војната и како резултат на поделбата на засегнатите земји со промена на владеењето за Македонија, каде што Александар Велики некогаш го држеше преминот на Термопилае …“

„… For 500 years Macedonia was under the rule of the Turkish sultans. Then came the war and the resulting dividing of the dependent countries with a change of rulership for Macedonia, where Alexander the Great once held the passage of Termopylae …“

„… Ecclesiastical organizations in the United States exist for Albanians, Bulgarians, Belarusians, Carpatho-Rusyns, Greeks, Macedonians, Romanians, Russians, Serbians, Syrians, and Ukrainians …“


tau«-» a»ut tmu u tw iiuʃj i> »I «ï ** tW J.lw-ч n*-i
rWeAlHW la MaaaAeU wXicfc Will t*
Among the foreign population of Mans.’eld. tjere are 309 Macedonians. who left their Battre land to seek newer and broader fortunes in a Strange land-
The group Include* women, and children, but rt is made up Cto-stly of men, who have left their families behind, while they •ought greater privileges iɑ America, or young chaps, who have never married and like the knights of old have «et out 😮 find “adventure aud faute/*
A large ɪɪemter of ths Macedonian people in this city are engaged in buslnct-y, including bakeries, restaurants. pool rooms, or groceries. Most of them, however, work ia the industnaɪ phi nt з in the city, and because their wants are not as luxurious as ours, are able 😮 save quite a bit to send buck to the folks at home.
The ^roup pictured above ɪn-cludea some of the bw‘l pru-gn-~uiv« men and u-aders among the local circle. Гђеу arc the 03rs who elɔ die«’U*s in two au-! thrée languages, as many of their evuntryax-a, the politics, rd:g’un or vusfOL«.* of a half dvha European wUntrfes and make slguitlcant and ia:erv»x-ing ioɪnparfŋiɪ wrth the Ltud
haVv adopted. Thvir iutol-leeu nro keʧn uvJ ihvir power* of odɑptution rather rvinurkubir. WUhout shrinking or abject bu-mlllty. they Lave u»sL’Ji!l-»:ed the customs of Aerica us their very own and bare retained tteir dig* Allied cbaxactoiviics even while being accepted on probation, as it were.
Mr. Yankolf, when asked Ï-
The- nue» tn tin- group roading from left to ri«iit arc as foliote* — front mW, Sam Hl
Tratikoff, a tailor, whw Ixie n-,t-ivrd hi» feront! naturalization paper*: Thorp l***koff. an in>pocf«*r [||l at the Ohio Bra»* сошрлпу: (»согже Christoff. Mun>fivlil Slnx-t anil Tin Plate company: Tln-otlort- ug lankoff. carpenter, t-.iitl a naturalized citizen; Peter Simon. Mansfk-hl Sheer and Tid Pfate com- И
puny; tecond rorr. G<*org«- tfomoɪmff. ри|н-г Lnugi-r ami pt«fa!<T; Spiro Xasoff. also Sheet end, T*» Ftatc compui’j: Kiclstrù Stcfanavitch. Mrfdh-r auda uuiural:zeti citizen, who w,-rved in tbe World America wa» better than Mac®-. war j„ gwjh cuginerr« mostly In Fnuirr; andXkk l^ebo. eaiptoyc of ttic Olib Brass company, doaia, answered. I 5<r< pɪ-koff and Mr. Svaiinoff have both received their B«X papers towunl being ʌiɪɪerivau
**Not once teller. Lui a ’^oi** cJtiz<si>.
sand times bet ter.” !
Thai expresses ibo opinion of
mon of (he Macedonians. who ac po-Jr |D;o Macedonte and makoo: cording to Mr. Traokotf would their homes there. b.
cheer end cordiality. They Long’s woods and dances in the
not stay here if they did sot like. •’That is why.” said Mr. Cbrist-
ii. ’off.” tft can speak several lan-
Like a will-о’ the wisp. Mccr-‘guares. There will bv a Turk, donia has been tossed around <arn a Eulerian, theɔ sotaeθnʧ
bad bee:
brought cage!her by winter sea-son provide arier,u-ito
Tborp PaskoQ a ’-Cusiber of the » muse men: for ibis group so that
English class taught by Miss Kose Leiter and one of the leaders of
the sien at least, who hare Je!l families behind, do not get
from one country to another, nn-‘eise living right together til now she is under the thumb «re have ;c learn their
and lan- ‘
«he group. Picnics
‘ too ionetome In this adopted the summer at Laud.
o* the Balkan states, with bla as th® leading ruler, iθp years Macedonia «<t der Ilie г«|?п of the Turfe’Ah tans. Then came the war
Ser* guages if we want to calk.’*
For- Too houses of Maccdoa’a are an* sul-aud
lbe resultant dividing of the dependent counters with « change of rulership for Macedonia., where once upon a time Alexander the Gr.-at held the pass of
Macedonia in an country, of rocky where surprisingly raised together with agricultural product*.
Interesting foraɪɪ:ion. cotton is
rerr |rwresting Pictures ot
:hsm eon:aiaed is an Hlastrated booklet loaned to th* News reporter by Mr. Yankoff. show; many, many window», so many ‘ ш fact that the homes look like-auge bird house*. They aro buiɪe with Ппх roofs and In many of ‘. them the Upper St or I .-X overhang the iovcer. Pew houses hare either more than two stories or other than *Eiroi!i sloping roofs.
the usual. Turrets are seldom seen.
jt Is u it 5* rfu.-priAinç bow eon:eɔ:ed
-nom:t^iueous s:ete. r*l>out 2.000.- end hnppy »he group teem« ‘u 00« .»opulaticu. its people dwell- Axnenca and the nlns men ln$ in towrɪg *nd zma)ɪ villa«-*, `vho ʧonzented to have their but with never less? thaɑ 500 in- pietaveɔ :ɑken s»t Friendly House tzbi(unts. people of Many rtutlons the other evening «wre rhe acm«