Краток опис на содржината:
Се работи за лажна вест дека погинал Борис Сарафов. Во новинската вест се зборува за разни гласини кои стигнале дека Борис Сарафов настрадал во близина на Лерин (Флорина).
Ако е тоа вистина тогаш МАКЕДОНСКИТЕ РЕВОЛУЦИОНЕРИ го изгубиле нивниот најенергичен водач и за Турците најгорчлив непријател. Според репутацијата Сарафов бил најпознат од сите востаници. Бил опишуван како „најромантичната фигура на Балканот“, влијателен во Македонија и Бугарија.
Неговите ѓаволски тактики се покажувале како успешни и бил следен од селаните, кога и да ги повел. Ако неговите походи против Турците бидат запишани, без сомнеж би биле пофасцинантни од читање на највозбудливи новели и авантури. Се вели дека тој бил вистинскиот двигател на киднапирањето на американската мисионерка госпоѓа Стоун. Со цел обезбедување средства за Револуционерниот Комитет, за организирање востание во европскиот дел од Турција.
Неодамна имало поделба меѓу него со Цончев (главен врховистички раководител) која била надмината.
Се дава опис на Сарафов дека неговиот татко и дедо биле заробени и ставени во затвор на 15 години. Така што тој се заколнал дека ќе ги освети. За тоа систематски се спремал со тоа што во Бугарија учел за воен старешина и на секаков друг начин. Имал одлично познавање на земјата, ги познавал на стотици илјади патеки низ шумите и планините, каде Турците не можеле да го следат.
Првото негово дејство било во 1895 година. Еднаш го освоил градот Мелник со 40 луѓе. Од тогаш имало извршено над 400 походи против муслиманската власт. …“
„… M, Stone, the American missionary, ɪri the
i valiyyet of Salonika In September; 1901, and
i that the ransom which , was paid for her
was handed to him in order to provide funds
for the Revolutionary’ Committee to or-
ganize the Insurrection in European Turkey,
Until recently there was a split in the
Macedonian organization, Boris . Sarafof
heading the party which favored hostilities
and Gen Zontcheff the party which wished
to adopt more conservative measures. The
dispute which resulted in the split was
continued even after the insurrection now
in progress began, but an agreement was
recently reached, and Sarafof and Zontcheff
have been working in harmony.
AH his life Sarafof was an active enemy
of the Turks, and his one aim was to end
the rule of the Mussulman in Europe.
When he was a boy of fourteen he sa^r his
father and grandfather tortured and
dragged in chains to a dungeon. He at-
tacked, single-handed, the prison in which
they were confined, and the Turks let him
off with a flogging. Had they known into
what a powerful adversary he was to de-
velop they would doubtless have slain
him. His father and grandfather were
sent into exile for fifteen years; and Sara-
fof swore to revenge himself. He set about
doing this systematically, became an offi-
cer in the Bulgarian army, and studied
hard to fit himself for his work. His
knowledge of the country in wiiieh the in-
surgents have been operating was marvel-
ous. He was familiar with hundreds of
miles of tracks through forests and over
mountains along which the Turks could not
Sarafof’s first raid in Turkish territory
was in 1895. Since then, it is said, he had
headed nearly 400 daring expeditions into
the country ruled by the Mussulmans.
Once he captured the town of Melnik with
forty men, putting the garrison to flight.
Sarafof’s one idea was the organization of
a vast rebellion with the ultimate object
of seizing Constantinople and overthrowing
Turkish rule in Europe.
Boris Sarafof Reported Killed . in a
Skirmish—His Remarkable Career.
SALONIKA, Oct. 15.—Circumstantial re-
ports have been received here that Boris
Sarafof was killed on Oct. 12 in a skirmish
at Pruva, near Florina.
If the reports received in Salonika are
true the Macedonian revolutionaries have
lost their most energetic leader and the
Turks their bitterest enemy. By reputa-
tion Sarafof was by far the best known of
the insurgents. He has been described as
‘* the most romantic figure in the Balkans/’
and his influence throughout Macedonia
and Bulgaria is said to have been Immense.
So great was the trust reposed In him and
the belief that he bore a charmed life that
the villagers would follow him wherever
he led, and usually hɪs daredevil tactics and
cunning proved successful.
Could the story of Sarafof’s expeditions
against the Turks be written it would
doubtless prove more fascinating ɪ`eadlng
than the most exciting of novels of ad-
venture. It is said that he was the real
instigator of the abduction of Miss EllenPublished: October 16, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …““
i valiyyet of Salonika In September; 1901, and
i that the ransom which , was paid for her
was handed to him in order to provide funds
for the Revolutionary’ Committee to or-
ganize the Insurrection in European Turkey,
Until recently there was a split in the
Macedonian organization, Boris . Sarafof
heading the party which favored hostilities
and Gen Zontcheff the party which wished
to adopt more conservative measures. The
dispute which resulted in the split was
continued even after the insurrection now
in progress began, but an agreement was
recently reached, and Sarafof and Zontcheff
have been working in harmony.
AH his life Sarafof was an active enemy
of the Turks, and his one aim was to end
the rule of the Mussulman in Europe.
When he was a boy of fourteen he sa^r his
father and grandfather tortured and
dragged in chains to a dungeon. He at-
tacked, single-handed, the prison in which
they were confined, and the Turks let him
off with a flogging. Had they known into
what a powerful adversary he was to de-
velop they would doubtless have slain
him. His father and grandfather were
sent into exile for fifteen years; and Sara-
fof swore to revenge himself. He set about
doing this systematically, became an offi-
cer in the Bulgarian army, and studied
hard to fit himself for his work. His
knowledge of the country in wiiieh the in-
surgents have been operating was marvel-
ous. He was familiar with hundreds of
miles of tracks through forests and over
mountains along which the Turks could not
Sarafof’s first raid in Turkish territory
was in 1895. Since then, it is said, he had
headed nearly 400 daring expeditions into
the country ruled by the Mussulmans.
Once he captured the town of Melnik with
forty men, putting the garrison to flight.
Sarafof’s one idea was the organization of
a vast rebellion with the ultimate object
of seizing Constantinople and overthrowing
Turkish rule in Europe.
Boris Sarafof Reported Killed . in a
Skirmish—His Remarkable Career.
SALONIKA, Oct. 15.—Circumstantial re-
ports have been received here that Boris
Sarafof was killed on Oct. 12 in a skirmish
at Pruva, near Florina.
If the reports received in Salonika are
true the Macedonian revolutionaries have
lost their most energetic leader and the
Turks their bitterest enemy. By reputa-
tion Sarafof was by far the best known of
the insurgents. He has been described as
‘* the most romantic figure in the Balkans/’
and his influence throughout Macedonia
and Bulgaria is said to have been Immense.
So great was the trust reposed In him and
the belief that he bore a charmed life that
the villagers would follow him wherever
he led, and usually hɪs daredevil tactics and
cunning proved successful.
Could the story of Sarafof’s expeditions
against the Turks be written it would
doubtless prove more fascinating ɪ`eadlng
than the most exciting of novels of ad-
venture. It is said that he was the real
instigator of the abduction of Miss EllenPublished: October 16, 1903
Copyright © The New York Times …““
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