1947.07.10_Canberra Times – Soviet wants foreign troops out of Greece, p01

1947.07.10_Canberra Times - Soviet wants foreign troops out of Greece, p01

„… The Canberra Times, Thursday 10 July 1947, page 1
NEW YORK. Wednesday.
Asking for the removal of foreign troop* and foreign military personnel from Greece and the setting up of a special commission to administer foreign aid. only in the interests of the Greek people. Gromyko presented to the Security Council a sispoint Soviet plan in which he demands that Greece should establish normal relations with her neighbours.

The American Associated Press says that Gromyko rejected the Am-1 erican proposal for a semi-pennan- j ent U.N.O. patrol along the borders! of Greece and her northern neighbours and left the Council farther than ever from a solution to the Balkan situation.
After Gromyko’s speech the Council adjourned until to-morrow when Colonel Hodgson will reply.
In addition to the American resolution. which is based on the Inquiry Commission’s report, the Council now must consider the Russian resolution.
This is: Firstly, that Greece should stop border incidents; secondly, establish normal relations with her neighbours; thirdly, the Balkan Governments should enter into frontier conventions to settle border disputes; fourthly. Balkan Governments should settle the refugee problem in a spirit of mutual understanding; fifthly. Greece should remove any discrimination against Macedonians and Albanians in Greece; and. sixthly, the four Governments should notify the Security Council every three months on the carrying out of these recommendations.
He said that democratic Greece is lighting against anti-democratic Greece. Yelling about a ‘Tied** danger is aimed at hiding from the world the real danger of events taking place in Greece.