„Не дозволувај Александровата слаткоречивата верзија на Мардониусовите предлози да те заведат; тој го прави она кое може од него да се очекува – самиот деспот, се разбира соработува со деспот. Но такво држење не е за тебе – барем не ако си паметен; со сигурност дека кај туѓинците нема ни вистина ни доверба.“ (Хдт. 8.142)
“Do not let Alexander’s smooth-sounding version of Mardonius’ proposals seduce you; he does only what one might expect of him — а despot himself, of course he collaborates with a despot. But such conduct is not for you — at least, not иф you are wise; tor surely you know that in foreigners there is neither truth nor trust” (Hdt. 8.142).
“Men! If you consider the scale of our achievements, your longing for peace and your weariness of brilliant campaigns are not at all surprising. Let me pass over the Illyrians, the Triballians, Boeotia, Thrace, Sparta, the Aecheans, the Peloponnese—all of them subdued under my direct leadership or by campaigns conducted under my orders of instructions.” (Curt. 6.3.2)
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