Category: Б1.2 На англиски
2016_Basil Chulev – ‘Ancient Macedonia, The Gods of Macedon’ (pdf)
From the distant oblivion of prehistoric animism, through the vastity of multidimensional labyrint of archaic myths and ancient pantheons amalgam, until today institutionalized forms of religion and modern Eurocentric paradigms. Chronological and unfolding retrospective across the everlasting continuity of primordial human beliefs in the past eons, with focus on the Macedonic myths, gods and demigods, from the unique perspective of…
2005_Tome Boshevski, Aristotel Tentov – ‘Tracing the script and language of ancient Macedonians’, Skopye (pdf)
Abstract: This study presents the results of research realized within the project “Deciphering the Middle Text of the Rosetta Stone. ” It is concluded that a syllabic script of the type consonantvowel was used for the middle text of the Rosetta Stone. Symbols for 25 consonants were identified. By using the procedure of mirroring and rotation in the writing surface…