1902.04.11_The New York Times – The discredited appelant from Macedonia

1902.04.11_The New York Times - The discredited appelant from Macedonia

„… Македонецот е човек сосем способен да си помогне за сѐ што е на повидок, а главната негова употреба на мисионерите е да ги направи да донесат придонес кон неговиот револуционерен фонд. …“

Статијата зборува за добриот однос на македонските комити кон заложничките, мисионерките г-ѓа Стоун и нејзината придружничка г-ца Цилка, грабнати во заложништво за откуп. При тоа се прави споредба со Македонецот кој го повикал Апостол Павле да дојде во Македонија. …“


The ” Macedonian cry,” which the Sec-
retaries of the Board of Foreign Missions
have made such good use of, will hence-
forth be permitted to lapse into innocu-
ous desuetude, and the preacher of the
annual missionary sermon who announces
the familiar text from the sixteenth
chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, the
ninth and tenth verses, recounting the
details of Paul’s vision at Troas, may
reasonably expect to see a broadening
smile overspread the countenances of
his beloved hearers. The Macedonian is
a man quite capable of helping himself
to anything in sight, and his principal
use for missionaries is to make them
tributary to his revolutionary fund. Miss
Stone, who with her chaperone, so to
speak—Mme. Tsilka—was so long the
recipient of his delicate hospitalities,
while retaining the story of her pic-
turesque captivity for the magazine
which has secured the right of exclusive
publication, admits that her capture was
simply an expedient to raise money for
the purposes of the Macedonian Com-
mittee, that she was treated extremely
well during her detention, and that on
Thanksgiving Day she had her turkey
dinner as if she were at home in Boston.
The threat to deliver her ears at a pre-
arranged date as an earnest of the pur-
pose of the bloodthirsty brigands to
send her back in fragments if not re-
deemed in entirety was for export.
As soon as she is rested Miss Stone
will go on a lecture tour, and unless it is
her purpose from the proceeds to return
the sum contributed for her release the
very least she can do is to make it ap-
pear that she was rescued from dead-
ly peril to corporeal integrity by the
generosity of her friends. Meanwhile
the man from Macedonia, with his ɪ
pathetic appeal for help, will re-
main an object of justifiable sus-
picion. His simulacrum led Paul and
Silas into a very unpleasant experience,
including many stripes and a detention
warranting a suit for false imprison-
ment which we believe was never brought.
His simian procedure in the case of Miss
Stone will not help his reputation in the
least, and those who might be willing to
give him substantial assistance in his
revolution against Turkish rule will be
unable to repress a wish that his methods
were a little more straightforward and
intelligible to the Occidental mind.

Published: April 11, 1902
Copyright © The New York Times …“


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