We, the undersigned Macedonians, from the bottom of our
hearts wish that the complaints of our brothers in northern
Epirus may be remedied, since the Macedonians are in the same
situation under the bondage of the Greek authorities. We
demand the freedom to speak freely in our Macedonian tongue,
to open our own schools so that our children will be educated in
our own language. We demand that the Greek government
should implement the treaties concerning the minorities in
regard to the Macedonian minority, which have beet disregarded
for so many years. Instead of giving us our rights, the Greek
governments are interested only in the ‘Hellenization’ of our
population. On the other hand, with the assistance of their
chauvinist newspapers they endeavor to present us Macedonians
as ‘Slavophone’ and ‘pure Greeks’. We protest also against the
orgies which are being held by various nationalist organizations.
Together with the gendarmes, they frequently arrest
Macedonians, accuse them of being ‘Komitadjis’ and subject
them to brutal torture. We call upon our brother Macedonians
to complain against this situation. Let us demand that an end be
put to the terror, let us demand to be given the right for free use
of our own language, to open our own Macedonian schools.