Неколку цитати од кои произлегува дека Гетите и Словените се народи од исто потекло.
“There were many Gothic nations in earlier times, just as also at the present, but the greatest and most important of all are the Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, and Gepaedes. In ancient times, however, they were named Sauromatae and Melanchlaeni; and there were some too who called these nations Getic.”
“We read that on their first migration the Goths dwelt in the land of Scythia near Lake Maeotis. On the second migration they went to Moesia, Thrace and Dacia, and after their third they dwelt again in Scythia, above the Sea of Pontus… …And thus a famous kingdom and most valiant race, which had long held sway, was at last overcome in almost its two thousand and thirtieth year by that conqueror of many nations, the Emperor Justinian, through his most faithful consul Belisarius.”
Самиот Јорданес е од гетско потекло, но целата негова историја е напишана на латински јазик, дополнително, тој ги поврзува Гетите со Грците преку културата, наведувајќи дека тие некогаш биле:
“… wiser than other barbarians and were nearly like the Greeks …”
Како додаток на ова, тој ни кажува за богот наречен Марс, или Арес, богот на војната, за кој се верува дека потекнува од Гетите, а згора на тоа, на гетскиот крал Телефус, кој бил:
“…a son of Hercules by Auge, and the husband of a sister of Priam.”
Телефус, потомок на Херкулес?! Александар III Македонски Грците исто го сметаат за негов потомок, поради такви причини, тогаш и Телефус и Гетите исто така се Грци!
“… king of theirs named Telefus. Let no one say that this name is quite foreign to the Gothic tongue, and let no one who is ignorant cavil at the fact that the tribes of men make use of many names, even as the Romans borrow from the Macedonians, the Greeks from the Romans, the Sarmatians from the Germans, and the Goths frequently from the Huns.“
Јорданес посочува дека Тројанците и Пријам биле Фригијци и тврди дека овој Гетски крал бил женет за сестрата на Тројанскиот крал. Тој исто така го спомнува Филип Втори Македонски имал Гетска жена која се викала Medopa, која била ќерка на Гетскиот крал Gudila.
But Thiudimer the king, perceiving his own good fortune and that of his son, was not content with this alone, but set forth from the city of Naissus, leaving only a few men behind as a guard. He himself advanced to Thessalonica, where Hilarianus the Patrician, appointed by the Emperor, was stationed with his army. When Hilarianus beheld Thessalonica surrounded by an entrenchment and saw that he could not resist attack, he sent an embassy to Thiudimer the king and by the offer of gifts turned him aside from destroying the city. Then the Roman general entered upon a truce with the Goths and of his own accord handed over to them those places they inhabited, namely Cyrrhus, Pella, Europus, Methone, Pydna, Beroea, and another which is called Dium.
Македонските области се населени НЕ СО ГРЦИ туку со како што Јорданес ги нарекува Готи, што го засилува тврдењето дека имињата како Гети (Getae) и Словени (Slavs) биле племиња од поврзани народи. Со Словенското име кое условно превладувало над другите, авторот насумува дека Македонците се од ист вид како Гетите.
Теофилакт Симоката ги смета Готите/Гетите како едно и исто.
“As for the Getae, that is to say the herds of Sclavenes, they were fiercly ravaging the regions of Thrace …”
Theophylact Simocatta
Имаше Словени кои се бореле под Аварско водство
“… For the Avars let loose the nation of the Sclavenes, who ravaged very many areas of the Roman territory, suddenly invaded like lightning as far as the Walls named Long …”
Theophylact Simocatta
Словени кои дошле од Запад
“… three men, Sclavenes by race…..they replied that they were Sclavenes by nation and that they lived at the boundary of the western ocean…”
Theophylact Simocatta
И Словени кои веќе биле на Балканот
“… on reaching Marcianopolis he ordered one thousand men to advance beyond the camp. These, therefore, encountered six hundred Sclavenes who were escorting a great haul of Romans, for they had ravaged Zaldapa, Aquis and Scopi … The Romans drew near to the Getae (for this is the older name for the barbarians) …”
Theophlact Simocatta
Некои Гетски имиња кои ги цитира Јорданес звучат како Словенски како Градивус, Тхуидимер, Валамир и Видимер.
“… (268) Let us now return to the tribe with which we started, namely the Ostrogoths, who were dwelling in Pannonia under their king Valamir and his brothers Thiudimer and Vidimer. Although their territories were separate, yet their plans were one. For Valamir dwelt between the rivers Scarniunga and Aqua Nigra, Thiudimer near Lake Pelso and Vidimer between them both. Now it happened that the sons of Attila, regarding the Goths as deserters from their rule, came against them as though they were seeking fugitive slaves, and attacked Valamir alone, when his brothers knew nothing of it. (269) He sustained their attack, though he had but few supporters, and after harassing them a long time, so utterly overwhelmed them that scarcely any portion of the enemy remained. The remnant turned in flight and sought the parts of Scythia which border on the stream of the river Danaper, which the Huns call in their own tongue the Var. Thereupon he sent a messenger of good tidings to his brother Thiudimer, and on the very day the messenger arrived he found even greater joy in the house of Thiudimer. For on that day his son Theodoric was born, of a concubine Erelieva indeed, and yet a child of good hope. …”
Посочила: DragonGirl
Извор: The Gothic History of Jordanes