Старата арбарешка песна од Калабрија која изразува носталгија за корените од Мореа на Пелопонез. Што докажува за силното албанско етничко присуство и во најјужните територии на Грција.
O beautiful Morea*!
O beautiful Morea!
Since I left you, I never saw you again
Since I left you, since I left you, since I left you, I never saw you again
There I have my lord father, there I have my lady mother
There I also have my brother
All of them, all of them, all of them covered under the ground
O beautiful Morea!
Since I left you, I never saw you again
Since I left you, since I left you, since I left you, I never saw you again
There I have my lord father, there I have my lady mother
There I also have my brother
All of them, all of them, all of them, covered under the ground
O beautiful Morea!
Посочил: Арсим Зеколи