Четништвото во Македонија
Покрај македонските организации за ослободување од турската власт, биле создадени и бугарски и грчки македонски четнички организации со различни методи на делување. Сето ова ги збунувало страниците и не можеле да добијат јасна слика за македонскиот четник. Така даден е примерот на грчки македонски четник кој се занимавал со киднапирање. Покрај странци киднапирал и деца. Ако не му бил даден откуп ги убивал.
Иако во статијата се оправдува грчката држава, факт е дека истиот безбедно живеел во Лариса, а делувал во Македонија. Од разни други извори недвосмислено е дека на преминот меѓу 19 и 20 век на целата територија од Македонија превладувало славјанското население.
Brigandage in Macedonia. -The causes
and character- of Macedonian brigandage
ard complicated by a possible political ele-
ment; but it is no .easy matter to learn the
true state of the question. Turks and
philo-Turks assert positively that it is sup-
ported by secret societies in Bulgaria and
Greece, with the view of discrediting the
Ottoman Government in the eyes of the
powers; but in spite of the preponderance
of Greeks in the brigand bands one is loth
to believe in the complicity of the Greek
nation, even through a secret society. In
any case the authorities are absolutely
innocent of such foul play, and do
what they can in the . absence of an
extradition treaty; It would be well, never-.
theless, to be more careful, and not to allow,
notorious ruffians to harbor in Thessaly,
as was asserted to be the cashnot long ago,
for no diplomatic jealousies ought to give
security to a blood-stained monster like the
infamous Nicko^who was said to have lived
for some time at Larissa; The taking of
CoL. Synge was the least of this brute’s
misdeede< the atrocious character of which
shocked even his.owu villainous profession.
Here is one which can be absolutely certi-
fied. . Some years ago he took two little
children; fpr whom he demanded four and
three hundred liras respectively; The larger
sum was paid, and, like a strict man
of business, he gaye up the .child; in the
Second case he had to do with poor parents
td, whom the’sum demanded was an impos-
sibility. Fifty liras Were sent up, aɪid sent
back again. The wretched parents, sold all
they had, raised fi stibScfiption, and got to-
gethei* another hundred, lffibkð sefit. this
back as before, With tne bfi^f,fnessage that
if Ke WfiS.hdt satisfied in three days the
.child would nðt be living, He kept his
Word; the parefits received the body in four
quarters, .find Nicko told his own horrified
ruffian^ that business was’ Kusifiess in. this
aS in everything else.—Mamiillan’s Maga-
The New York Times
Published: Septembers, 1889
Copyright © The New York Times
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